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Want to speak more Hebrew? New HebrewPod101 lesson series start January 5th!

Hi Listener,

Want to speak more Hebrew in 2015?

You need exposure to native Hebrew conversation from day 1. You need a Hebrew speaker to explain it all – the words, the grammar, and cultural nuances.

And you get all of that in every single HebrewPod101 lesson.

In fact, we’re starting up a brand new season just in time for the New Year!

Starting January 5th, 2015, we’ll be publishing brand new seasons of Audio and Video Lessons to get you mastering Hebrew the fast, fun and easy way! Want to know what you can expect?

Here’s HebrewPod101’s Lesson Schedule:

  • Monday: Beginner Hebrew Series Season 1
  • Tuesday: Hebrew Listening Comprehension – Video
  • Thursday: Throwback Thursday Lessons (Get a free random lesson from the past sent directly to your e-mail inbox.)
  • Sunday: News & Announcement: Sunday News

Remember, HebrewPod101’s newest lessons are free for the first three weeks! You have three weeks worth of lessons at any given time. Oh, and the first 3 lessons of every series are free too!

Check out the newest HebrewPod101 lessons for free!
Click here to learn Hebrew with the newest lessons for FREE!

To your fluency!

Team HebrewPod101

P.S. Want to go Premium AND get our entire Hebrew learning system?
Take advantage of this quick 20% OFF and get unlimited HebrewPod101 access. All lessons, all lesson notes, exclusive apps, study tools – they’re all yours. Upgrade now and start speaking Hebrew from the very first lesson.

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