
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Sherah: Hello and welcome to hebrewpod101.com. This is Lower Beginner Series Season 1, Lesson 5 - Talking About Your Hobbies in Hebrew . I’m your host, Shira!
Amir: And I’m Amir.
Sherah: In this lesson, you’ll learn how to talk about your hobbies.
Amir: The conversation takes place in the Ulpan.
Sherah: It’s between Anna and her teacher Amir.
Amir: The speakers are acquaintances, and they’ll be using formal Hebrew.
Sherah: Let’s listen to the conversation.
חגית: שלום לכולכם. אני רוצה להתחיל עם קצת היכרות. נתחיל איתך. איך קוראים לך?
Hagit: Shalom lekulkhem. Ani rotzah le-hat’ħil im k’tzat he’ikerut. Nat’ħil itakh. E’ikh kor’im lakh?
אנה: שלום. שמי אנה.
Anna: Shalom. Sh’mi Anna.
חגית: טוב, מאין את, אנה?
Hagit: Tov, me-e’in at, Anna?
אנה: אני מארצות הברית.
Anna: Ani me-ar’tzot ha-brit.
חגית: אנה היא אמריקנית. מה התחביבים שלך, אנה?
Hagit: Anna hi Amerikanit. Mah ha-taħ’bivim shelakh, Anna?
אנה: התחביבים שלי הם צילום ושירה.
Anna: Ha-taħ’bivim sheli hem tzilum ve-shirah.
חגית: תודה אנה.
Hagit: Todah, Anna.
Sherah: Let’s listen to the conversation one more time, slowly.
חגית: שלום לכולכם. אני רוצה להתחיל עם קצת היכרות. נתחיל איתך. איך קוראים לך?
Hagit: Shalom lekulkhem. Ani rotzah le-hat’ħil im k’tzat he’ikerut. Nat’ħil itakh. E’ikh kor’im lakh?
אנה: שלום. שמי אנה.
Anna: Shalom. Sh’mi Anna.
חגית: טוב, מאין את, אנה?
Hagit: Tov, me-e’in at, Anna?
אנה: אני מארצות הברית.
Anna: Ani me-ar’tzot ha-brit.
חגית: אנה היא אמריקנית. מה התחביבים שלך, אנה?
Hagit: Anna hi Amerikanit. Mah ha-taħ’bivim shelakh, Anna?
אנה: התחביבים שלי הם צילום ושירה.
Anna: Ha-taħ’bivim sheli hem tzilum ve-shirah.
חגית: תודה אנה.
Hagit: Todah, Anna.
Sherah: Now, let’s hear it with the English translation.
חגית: שלום לכולכם. אני רוצה להתחיל עם קצת היכרות. נתחיל איתך. איך קוראים לך?
Hagit: Shalom lekulkhem. Ani rotzah le-hat’ħil im k’tzat he’ikerut. Nat’ħil itakh. E’ikh kor’im lakh?
Hagit: Hello, everyone. I want to start by getting to know one another. We'll start with you. What's your name?
אנה: שלום. שמי אנה.
Anna: Shalom. Sh’mi Anna.
Anna: Hello. My name is Anna.
חגית: טוב, מאין את, אנה?
Hagit: Tov, me-e’in at, Anna?
Hagit: Okay, where are you from, Anna?
אנה: אני מארצות הברית.
Anna: Ani me-ar’tzot ha-brit.
Anna: I'm from the USA.
חגית: אנה היא אמריקנית. מה התחביבים שלך, אנה?
Hagit: Anna hi Amerikanit. Mah ha-taħ’bivim shelakh, Anna?
Hagit: Anna is American. What are your hobbies, Anna?
אנה: התחביבים שלי הם צילום ושירה.
Anna: Ha-taħ’bivim sheli hem tzilum ve-shirah.
Anna: My hobbies are photography and singing.
חגית: תודה אנה.
Hagit: Todah, Anna.
Hagit: Thanks, Anna.
Amir: Ulpan is what we call intensive Hebrew learning classes.
Sherah: The word ‘Ulpan’ actually means “studio”.
Amir: I never had to go to an Ulpan.
Sherah: I would say “lucky you”, but it was a great experience for me. Most immigrants go to Ulpan when they first come to Israel.
Amir: Yes, the idea is to get people to the level where they can read, write, and speak well enough to start integrating into Israeli society.
Sherah: Tourists and kibbutz volunteers can also study in an Ulpan.
Amir: Most Ulpans are really intensive, meaning you study for about 4 hours, 4-5 days a week.
Sherah: The idea is to get you completely immersed in Hebrew, as the class is conducted only in Hebrew, and you are expected to speak in Hebrew from the first day.
Amir: You can take an Ulpan through an immigration program, with the city municipalities, or even on a kibbutz like Anna did.
Sherah: Or through one of the Universities in Israel, like I did.
Amir: Most Ulpans have only the first three out of six levels of Hebrew studies, but in the universities, there are usually all six levels.
Sherah: You also learn some Israeli history and some culture. I remember listening to songs and watching some movies in Hebrew. It was not all serious book learning. Okay, now let’s move on to the vocabulary for this lesson.
Sherah: Let’s take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson.
Sherah: The first word we shall see is...
Amir: כולם [natural native speed]
Sherah: everyone
Amir: כולם [slowly - broken down by syllable] כולם [natural native speed]
Sherah: Next
Amir: לרצות [natural native speed]
Sherah: to want
Amir: לרצות [slowly - broken down by syllable] לרצות [natural native speed]
Sherah: Next
Amir: קצת [natural native speed]
Sherah: a little
Amir: קצת [slowly - broken down by syllable] קצת [natural native speed]
Sherah: Next
Amir: להגיד [natural native speed]
Sherah: to tell
Amir: להגיד [slowly - broken down by syllable] להגיד [natural native speed]
Sherah: Next
Amir: להתחיל [natural native speed]
Sherah: to begin
Amir: להתחיל [slowly - broken down by syllable] להתחיל [natural native speed]
Sherah: Next
Amir: היכרות [natural native speed]
Sherah: acquaintance
Amir: היכרות [slowly - broken down by syllable] היכרות [natural native speed]
Sherah: Next
Amir: תחביב [natural native speed]
Sherah: hobby
Amir: תחביב [slowly - broken down by syllable] תחביב [natural native speed]
Sherah: Next
Amir: צילום [natural native speed]
Sherah: photography
Amir: צילום [slowly - broken down by syllable] צילום [natural native speed]
Sherah: Let's have a closer look at the usage for some of the words and phrases from this lesson. The first word is כולם
Amir: כולם is a combination of two words, כול which means “all” and “"am” which is the suffix for “them”
Sherah: These together would be “all of them” or “everyone”.
Amir: When you have this in a sentence, it is used as a masculine plural noun.
Sherah: An example of this would be כולם לומדים באוניברסיטה. “Everyone studies in university.”
Amir: Or כולם גדולים. “Everyone is big.”
Sherah: The next word we want to talk about is the verb להתחיל which means “to begin”.
Amir: This verb is from the ‘hif’il’ verb group.
Sherah: There are several common expressions that use this verb, one is להתחיל עם בחורה.
Amir: Yes, this means “to start with a woman” or basically, to hit on her.
Sherah: This isn’t necessarily a negative thing - in Hebrew this can be in a romantic way as well.
Amir: Another expression is להתחיל על רגל ימין.
Sherah: “To start off on the right foot”, this is the same as in English. But to use the opposite, what would be “to start off on the wrong foot”, you would say “to start off on the left foot” in Hebrew.
Amir: Right להתחיל על רגל שמאול.
Sherah: Okay, let’s move on to the Grammar now.
Sherah: In this lesson, you’ll learn how to use a pronoun in place of the verb “to be”.
Amir: We have said a few times that there’s no verb “to be” in the present tense in Hebrew.
Sherah: Right, it’s implied in the present tense when there are no other verbs there.
Amir: Well, a pronoun can act in place of the verb “to be”, and create a link between the subject and the predicate.
Sherah: However, this only works with a third person pronoun in the present tense.
Amir: Here’s the example from the dialogue - Amir says אנה היא אמריקנית
Sherah: If you didn’t have the pronoun in there, it would just be אנה אמריקנית.
Amir: If you want to add a pronoun to link Anna and ‘Americanit’, it needs to agree with Anna.
Sherah: So, you would use היא or “she”.
Amir: There is another example of this in the dialogue, when Anna says what her hobbies are.
Sherah: She begins by saying התחביבים שלי הם my hobbies are.
Amir: תחביבים are masculine plural, so she uses הם.
Sherah: Which is the pronoun for “they”. Let’s give you two more examples of this. Let’s start with “the cat is a nice cat”.
Amir: That would be החתולה היא חתולה נחמדה.
Sherah: In this sentence, the pronoun היא (hi) acts as the link between החתולה (ha-ħatulah) or “the cat” and חתולה נחמדה (ħatulah niħ’madah) “nice cat”.
Amir: As a pronoun, היא (hi) agrees with חתולה (ħatulah) and would be translated as “is”.
Sherah: And then we have the example “my dad is a family doctor”.
Amir: אבא שלי הוא רופא משפחה.
Sherah: In this sentence, הוא (hu), meaning “he” acts as the link between the two parts of the sentence.
Amir: הוא (hu) agrees with אבא שלי (aba sheli) and is translated as “is”.
Sherah: A pronoun as a link can be used both with specific nouns and with general nouns.
Amir: Here is an example of specific nouns - הכלבים הם שחורים.
Sherah: “The dogs are black.” Here Hem was the link and it agreed with כלבים
Amir: And a general example - כלבים הם חיות נחמדות.
Sherah: “Dogs are cute animals.” This sample sentence uses the same thing, הם is the link and it agrees with כלבים.
Amir: In the past and future, you would just use the verb “to be”, so you don’t need to use a pronoun to link the subject and the predicate.
Sherah: Right, and the sentences mean the same with or without the linking pronoun, so it’s up to you whether you use it or not.


Sherah: Okay, that’s it for this lesson.
Amir: Now that you’ve listened to this lesson, please visit HebrewPod101.com and tell us about your hobbies...and make sure you check the lesson notes.
Sherah: Thanks everyone, bye!
Amir: Bye in Hebrew

