
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Sherah: Hello and welcome to hebrewpod101.com’s Lower Beginner Series Season 1, Lesson 21 - Do Israeli Walls Speak Hebrew Too? I’m your host, Shira!
Amir: And I’m Amir.
Sherah: In this lesson, you will learn about the verb group pi’el.
Amir: The conversation takes place in the kibbutz in the afternoon.
Sherah: It’s between Anna and Ofir.
Amir: The speakers are friends so they’ll be using informal Hebrew.
Sherah: Let’s listen to the conversation.
אופיר: שלום אנה. אני שומע שאת עוזבת בעוד כמה ימים.
Ofir: Shalom Anna. Ani shome’a she-at ozevet be-od kamah yamim.
אנה: כן, מצאתי עבודה בתל אביב. מתי אתה מבקר אותי?.
Anna: Ken. Matzati avodah be-Tel Aviv. Mata’i Atah mevaker oti?
אופיר אני נוסע לשם בשבוע הבא. אני אבוא בערב..
Ofir: Ani nose’a le-sham ba-shavu’a ha-ba. Ani avo ba-erev.
אנה: תודה רבה. אהיה עצובה שם לבד.
Anna: Todah rabah. Ehe’yeh atzuvah sham levad.
אופיר: את יכולה לדבר עם הקירות.
Ofir: At yekholah le-daber im ha-kirot.
אנה: לא. אני רוצה לדבר עם מישהו. כמו שאני מדברת איתך עכשיו.
Anna: Lo. Ani rotzah le-daber im mishehu. K’mo she-ani medaberet it’kha akh’shav.
Sherah: Let’s listen to the conversation one more time, slowly.
אופיר: שלום אנה. אני שומע שאת עוזבת בעוד כמה ימים.
Ofir: Shalom Anna. Ani shome’a she-at ozevet be-od kamah yamim.
אנה: כן, מצאתי עבודה בתל אביב. מתי אתה מבקר אותי?.
Anna: Ken. Matzati avodah be-Tel Aviv. Mata’i Atah mevaker oti?
אופיר אני נוסע לשם בשבוע הבא. אני אבוא בערב..
Ofir: Ani nose’a le-sham ba-shavu’a ha-ba. Ani avo ba-erev.
אנה: תודה רבה. אהיה עצובה שם לבד.
Anna: Todah rabah. Ehe’yeh atzuvah sham levad.
אופיר: את יכולה לדבר עם הקירות.
Ofir: At yekholah le-daber im ha-kirot.
אנה: לא. אני רוצה לדבר עם מישהו. כמו שאני מדברת איתך עכשיו.
Anna: Lo. Ani rotzah le-daber im mishehu. K’mo she-ani medaberet it’kha akh’shav.
Sherah: Now, let’s hear it with the English translation.
אופיר: שלום אנה. אני שומע שאת עוזבת בעוד כמה ימים.
Ofir: Shalom Anna. Ani shome’a she-at ozevet be-od kamah yamim.
Ofir: Hi, Anna. I hear that you are leaving in a few days.
אנה: כן, מצאתי עבודה בתל אביב. מתי אתה מבקר אותי?.
Anna: Ken. Matzati avodah be-Tel Aviv. Mata’i Atah mevaker oti?
Anna: Yes. I found work in Tel Aviv. When are you visiting me?
אופיר אני נוסע לשם בשבוע הבא. אני אבוא בערב..
Ofir: Ani nose’a le-sham ba-shavu’a ha-ba. Ani avo ba-erev.
Ofir: I am traveling there next week. I will come in the evening.
אנה: תודה רבה. אהיה עצובה שם לבד.
Anna: Todah rabah. Ehe’yeh atzuvah sham levad.
Anna: Thanks a lot. I will be sad there alone.
אופיר: את יכולה לדבר עם הקירות.
Ofir: At yekholah le-daber im ha-kirot.
Ofir: You can talk to the walls.
אנה: לא. אני רוצה לדבר עם מישהו. כמו שאני מדברת איתך עכשיו.
Anna: Lo. Ani rotzah le-daber im mishehu. K’mo she-ani medaberet it’kha akh’shav.
Anna: No. I want to talk to someone. Like I'm talking to you now.
Sherah: Tel Aviv is a pretty popular place to live in and visit. Tel Aviv proper is the second largest city in Israel in terms of population.
Amir: It was founded in 1909 by a group of Jewish settlers and in 1950 it merged with the city of Jaffa.
Sherah: It was one of the first Jewish cities, but even though most of the people who live in Tel Aviv are Jewish, not that many are religious.
Amir: No, most are secular. It’s a pretty artsy city. Tel Aviv has an opera, some dance companies, many of the art museums in Israel, and a cinematheque.
Sherah: It’s also a city where people love the beach.
Amir: There are restaurants, bars, cafes and clubs all along the promenade of the beach.
Sherah: One thing that Tel Aviv is known for is its traffic and lack of parking.
Amir: Lately, the city has been doing a lot to help with that problem. They have mades lots of new bike lanes and are planning to open a metro line underground in the coming years.
Sherah: They also have a great bus system. There are plenty of ways to get around in Tel Aviv without a car. Let’s move on to the vocabulary for this lesson.
Sherah: Let’s take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson.
Sherah: The first word we shall see is...
Amir: למצוא [natural native speed]
Sherah: to find
Amir: למצוא [slowly - broken down by syllable] למצוא [natural native speed]
Sherah: Next
Amir: שבוע הבא [natural native speed]
Sherah: next week
Amir: שבוע הבא [slowly - broken down by syllable] שבוע הבא [natural native speed]
Sherah: Next
Amir: לשמוע [natural native speed]
Sherah: to listen
Amir: לשמוע [slowly - broken down by syllable] לשמוע [natural native speed]
Sherah: Next
Amir: לנסוע [natural native speed]
Sherah: to travel
Amir: לנסוע [slowly - broken down by syllable] לנסוע [natural native speed]
Sherah: Next
Amir: לעזוב [natural native speed]
Sherah: to leave
Amir: לעזוב [slowly - broken down by syllable] לעזוב [natural native speed]
Sherah: Next
Amir: לבקר [natural native speed]
Sherah: to visit
Amir: לבקר [slowly - broken down by syllable] לבקר [natural native speed]
Sherah: Next
Amir: עצוב [natural native speed]
Sherah: sad
Amir: עצוב [slowly - broken down by syllable] עצוב [natural native speed]
Sherah: Let’s take a closer look at some of the words and phrases from this lesson.
Amir: The first word that we want to talk about is לבקר?
Sherah: לבקר means “to visit”. In the dialogue, we heard this word when Anna said מתי אתה מבקר אותי “When are you going to visit me?”
Amir: We use this verb לבקר to talk about going to the doctor.
Sherah: Right, we say לבקר אצל רופא “to visit a doctor.”
Amir: לבקר can also mean “to criticize”.
Sherah: That’s something that you don’t want. Another visit you don’t want to happen is לבקר חשבונות which is “to audit”.
Amir: A noun that comes from this verb is ביקור and it can describe both a visit and criticism.
Sherah: The last word we want to talk about is עצוב.
Amir: עצוב means “sad”, “unhappy” or “gloomy”. In the dialogue, Anna used the feminine singular form when she said אהיה עצובה שם לבד “I will be sad there alone.”
Sherah: Just like other adjectives, עצוב has four forms.
Amir: Right, עצוב, עצובה, עצובים and .עצובות
Sherah: Okay, let’s move on to the Grammar.
Sherah: In this lesson, you’ll learn how to talk about the verb group פיעל.
Amir: פיעל is the second most common verb group after פעל.
Sherah: There are many nouns and adjectives that are derived from פיעל verbs.
Amir: In the present tense, פיעל verbs have a מ’ before the root letters and a ‘eh-ah’ vowel pattern.
Sherah: The verb conjugations end with the normal present tense endings. We are going to go over the four forms of לבקר in the present tense. Listeners, repeat after Amir. First is masculine singular.
Amir: מבקר
Sherah: next is feminine singular
Amir: מבקרת
Sherah: masculine plural
Amir: מבקרים
Sherah: feminine plural
Amir: מבקרות
Sherah: At the end of the dialogue, Anna uses the verb לדבר, which is also a פיעל verb.
Amir: Right, she says כמו שאני מדברת איתך עכשיו. “Like I am talking to you right now.”
Sherah: לדבר is conjugated exactly like לבקר.
Amir: Right, מדבר, מדברת מדברים מדברות.
Sherah: Let’s go through some example sentences using לבקר and לדבר. I will give the English and then Amir will give the Hebrew and pause so you can repeat after him. The first sentence is “I am talking with my brother.”
Amir: אני מדבר עם האח שלי.
Sherah: The next sentence is “She is visiting the doctor.”
Amir: היא מבקרת אצל הרופא.
Sherah: The children are speaking in English.
Amir: הילדים מדברים באנגלית.
Sherah: “Shira and I are visiting our grandmother.” This is in the feminine plural, so I will say it אני ושירה מבקרות את סבתא שלנו.
Sherah: Before we end this lesson, we want to discuss one pronunciation tip having to do with the letters heh, ħet and ayin.
Amir: When these three letters come at the end of a word and the vowel sound that comes before them is not “ah”, there is an extra “ah” vowel added to the word.
Sherah: There are two places where we see this in the dialogue, with the word שומע “hear” and the word נוסע “travel”.
Amir: Because the vowel before the ayin is an “eh” vowel, there is an extra “ah” vowel at the end.
Sherah: The same happens with the word for “week”, שבוע.
Amir: Right, there is an “oo” vowel before the ayin and so it becomes oo-ah.
Sherah: Here are a few more examples - “proofreader”
Amir: מגיה.
Sherah: know
Amir: יודע.
Sherah: open
Amir: פתוח.


Sherah: Well, that’s it for this lesson.
Amir: Make sure you check the lesson notes, and we’ll see you next time.
Amir: Now that you’ve listened to this lesson, please visit HebrewPod101.com and leave us a comment. Thanks everyone,
Sherah: Bye!

