
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Sherah: Hello and welcome to hebrewpod101.com. This is Lower Beginner Series Season 1, Lesson 11 - Taking a Coffee Break in Israel. I’m your host, Sherah!
Amir: And I’m Amir.
Sherah: In this lesson, you will learn how to talk about your preferences.
Amir: The conversation takes place in the dining hall of the kibbutz, in the afternoon.
Sherah: It’s between Anna and Ofir.
Amir: The speakers are friends, so they’ll be using informal Hebrew.
Sherah: Let’s listen to the conversation.
אנה: אתה רוצה קפה?
Anna: Atah rotzeh kafeh?
אופיר: לא, תודה. אני מעדיף תה.
Ofir: Lo, todah. Ani ma’adif teh.
אנה: לא אני! אני מעדיפה לשתות קפה כל יום.
Anna: Ani lo! Ani ma’adifah lish’tot kafeh kol yom.
אופיר: טעמת קפה טורקי?
Ofir: Ta’am’t kafeh turki?
אנה: עוד לא. זה טעים?
Anna: Od lo. Zeh ta’im?
אופיר: תגידי בעצמך. הנה.
Ofir: Tagidi be-atz’mekh. Hineh.
אנה: זה חזק! אני מעדיפה לשתות קפה יותר חלש.
Anna: Zeh ħazak! Ani ma’adifah lish’tot kafeh yoter ħalash.
Sherah: Let’s listen to the conversation one more time, slowly.
אנה: אתה רוצה קפה?
Anna: Atah rotzeh kafeh?
אופיר: לא, תודה. אני מעדיף תה.
Ofir: Lo, todah. Ani ma’adif teh.
אנה: לא אני! אני מעדיפה לשתות קפה כל יום.
Anna: Ani lo! Ani ma’adifah lish’tot kafeh kol yom.
אופיר: טעמת קפה טורקי?
Ofir: Ta’am’t kafeh turki?
אנה: עוד לא. זה טעים?
Anna: Od lo. Zeh ta’im?
אופיר: תגידי בעצמך. הנה.
Ofir: Tagidi be-atz’mekh. Hineh.
אנה: זה חזק! אני מעדיפה לשתות קפה יותר חלש.
Anna: Zeh ħazak! Ani ma’adifah lish’tot kafeh yoter ħalash.
Sherah: Now, let’s hear it with the English translation.
אנה: אתה רוצה קפה?
Anna: Atah rotzeh kafeh?
Anna: Do you want coffee?
אופיר: לא, תודה. אני מעדיף תה.
Ofir: Lo, todah. Ani ma’adif teh.
Ofir: No thank you. I prefer tea.
אנה: לא אני! אני מעדיפה לשתות קפה כל יום.
Anna: Ani lo! Ani ma’adifah lish’tot kafeh kol yom.
Anna: Not me! I prefer to drink coffee every day.
אופיר: טעמת קפה טורקי?
Ofir: Ta’am’t kafeh turki?
Ofir: Have you tasted Turkish coffee?
אנה: עוד לא. זה טעים?
Anna: Od lo. Zeh ta’im?
Anna: Not yet. Is it tasty?
אופיר: תגידי בעצמך. הנה.
Ofir: Tagidi be-atz’mekh. Hineh.
Ofir: See for yourself. Here.
אנה: זה חזק! אני מעדיפה לשתות קפה יותר חלש.
Anna: Zeh ħazak! Ani ma’adifah lish’tot kafeh yoter ħalash.
Anna: That's strong. I prefer to drink weaker coffee.
Sherah: Ah, coffee!
Amir: I do like a good coffee. Most Israelis do like coffee in some form.
Sherah: In some form is the key phrase, because most Israelis love instant coffee.
Amir: Yes they do. They call it Nes, which is short for Nescafe.
Sherah: Most Israelis have an electric water kettle instead of a coffee machine, so Nes is easy to make.
Amir: Another popular form of coffee in Israel is called Turkish coffee. It’s made by boiling coffee grounds several times and then pouring it into small turkish coffee cups.
Sherah: This is what they serve you when you go to eastern style restaurants.
Amir: It was also what we used to drink in the army, because it was easy to make outside.
Sherah: When you are in town, there is no shortage of good coffee shops.
Amir: The most popular kind of coffee in coffee shops is the קפה הפוך or the “upside down coffee”.
Sherah: Right, it’s basically a cafe latte, right?
Amir: Yes, it is. There is another popular form of coffee drunk in Israel.
Sherah: What’s that?
Amir: קפה ברד
Sherah: So true! When the weather gets hot, this becomes very popular, it’s like a frappucino or an ice coffee.
Amir: ברד actually means “hail”, which is what the texture of this coffee is.
Sherah: And if you don’t like coffee, like me, you can just have an iced vanilla. Okay, let’s move on to the vocabulary.
Sherah: Let’s take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson.
Sherah: The first word we shall see is...
Amir: לשתות/שתה [natural native speed]
Sherah: to drink
Amir: לשתות/שתה [slowly - broken down by syllable] לשתות/שתה [natural native speed]
Sherah: Next
Amir: קפה [natural native speed]
Sherah: coffee
Amir: קפה [slowly - broken down by syllable] קפה [natural native speed]
Sherah: Next
Amir: להגיד [natural native speed]
Sherah: to tell
Amir: להגיד [slowly - broken down by syllable] להגיד [natural native speed]
Sherah: Next
Amir: להעדיף/העדיף [natural native speed]
Sherah: to prefer
Amir: להעדיף/העדיף [slowly - broken down by syllable] להעדיף/העדיף [natural native speed]
Sherah: Next
Amir: לטעום/טעם [natural native speed]
Sherah: to taste
Amir: לטעום/טעם [slowly - broken down by syllable] לטעום/טעם [natural native speed]
Sherah: Next
Amir: טורקי [natural native speed]
Sherah: Turkish
Amir: טורקי [slowly - broken down by syllable] טורקי [natural native speed]
Sherah: Next
Amir: בעצמך [natural native speed]
Sherah: by yourself (feminine)
Amir: בעצמך [slowly - broken down by syllable] בעצמך [natural native speed]
Sherah: : And last...
Amir: הנה [natural native speed]
Sherah: here, here is
Amir: הנה [slowly - broken down by syllable] הנה [natural native speed]
Sherah: Let’s take a closer look at some of the vocabulary from this lesson. The first word is להגיד.
Amir: להגיד means “to tell” or “to inform”.
Sherah: You will only hear this verb in the future conjugations, or in the infinitive form.
Amir: The other conjugations are only used in literature.
Sherah: If you come from a Jewish family, you may pull something out of the family library every year related to this word, and that is the הגדה.
Amir: Right the הגדה is the book that we use during the Passover Seder.
Sherah: It has all the songs for Passover, all the passages to read from the bible, and all of the rituals.
Amir: The next word is בעצמך.
Sherah: This is broken down into three parts - -ב which meant “by” here. עצם means “oneself” and ך- is the suffix for “your” in the feminine.
Amir: So, all together this is “all by yourself”.
Sherah: Our last word is הנה and it means “here” or “here is”.
Amir: You often use this when you are handing something to someone and you want to bring their attention to it.
Sherah: It can’t be used for “here” as in the location of something - for that you use פה. Okay, let’s move on to the Grammar.
Sherah: In this lesson, you’ll learn how to say what you prefer.
Amir: Our sample sentence is אני מעדיף תה.
Sherah: We are talking about the verb להעדיף.
Amir: להעדיף is from the ‘hif’il’ verb group. This is a new group of verbs that we haven’t talked about before.
Sherah: You will recognize them by the -ה before the three root letters and the ‘י between the second and last letters in the infinitive form.
Amir: For the verb להעדיף, the root letters are ‘ayin’, ‘dalet’ and ‘peh sofit’.
Sherah: In this lesson, we’re just going to focus on the present conjugations of להעדיף.
Amir: To conjugate להעדיף, you drop the ‘lamed’, as you do with all verbs.
Sherah: Then you replace the ‘heh’ with a ‘mem’.
Amir: And then you have the simplest form, the masculine singular form מעדיף.
Sherah: To conjugate for the feminine singular, you add a ה to the end and then you have מעדיפה.
Amir: So, if I wanted to use this verb, I would say אני מעדיף קפה.
Sherah: And I would say, אני מעדיפה תה. Remember that in Hebrew, you conjugate verbs according to the subject’s gender and not according to the pronoun.
Amir: The last two conjugations are מעדיפים for masculine plural and מעדיפות for feminine plural.
Sherah: Other verbs from this verb group will follow the same pattern.
Amir: Yes, once you learn the pattern for the verb group, it’s very easy to conjugate other verbs from the same one.
Sherah: So, let’s listen to some other examples. Amir will give the Hebrew and I’ll give the translation.
Amir: Okay - אני מעדיף לשתות מים.
Sherah: “I prefer to drink water.” In this sentence, we are using I in the male voice, so the verb is conjugated for masculine singular, מעדיף
Amir: את מעדיפה לשבת או לעמוד?.
Sherah: “Do you prefer to sit or to stand?” Here we used את or “you” in the feminine, singular form, and that is why we used מעדיפה.
Amir: הם מעדיפים לבוא מחר.
Sherah: “They prefer to come tomorrow.” Here we have ‘hem’, which is “they” in the masculine, so מעדיפים agrees with ‘hem’.
Amir: הן מעדיפות לשיר במקלחת.
Sherah: “They prefer to sing in the shower.” ‘Hen’ is the feminine for “they” so we used מעדיפות to agree with it.


Okay, that’s it for this lesson. Make sure you check the lesson notes, and we’ll see you next time.
Amir: Now that you’ve listened to this lesson, please visit HebrewPod101.com and leave us a comment. Thanks everyone,
Sherah: Bye!

