
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Sherah: Hello and welcome to hebrewpod101.com. This is Lower Beginner Series Season 1, Lesson 10 - Doing the Impossible in Israel. I’m your host, Sherah!
Amir: And I’m Amir.
Sherah: In this lesson, you’ll learn how to say something is not possible.
Amir: The conversation takes place in the dining hall of the kibbutz.
Sherah: The conversation is between Anna and her new friend Ofir.
Amir: The speakers are acquaintances, so they’ll be using informal Hebrew.
Sherah: Let’s listen to the conversation.
אנה: העוף הזה טעים מאוד.
Anna: Ha-of ha-zeh ta’im me’od.
אופיר: כן? אני לקחתי דג. אי אפשר לקחת עוף עכשיו, כי זה נגמר.
Ofir: Ken? Ani lakaħ’ti dag. I ef’shar lakaħat of akh’shav ki nig’mar.
אנה: מה אתה הכי אוהב לאכול?
Anna: Mah atah ha-khi ohev le-ekhol?
אופיר: אני הכי אוהב לאכול אוכל הודי.
Ofir: Ani ha-khi ohev le-ekhol okhel hodi.
אנה: אוכל הודי? איפה אפשר לאכול אוכל הודי פה?
Anna: Okhel hodi? Eifo ef’shar le-ekhol okhel hodi po.
אופיר: אי אפשר פה בקיבוץ. אנחנו יכולים למצוא אוכל הודי בחיפה.
Ofir: I ef’shar po ba-kibbutz. Anaħ’nu yekholim lim’tzo okhel hodi be-ħe’ifah.
אנה: בסדר, אבל היום אי אפשר ללכת כי יש לי הרבה עבודה.
Anna: Beseder, aval lo ha-yom i’ efshar lalekhet ki yesh li har’beh avodah.
Sherah: Let’s listen to the conversation one more time, slowly.
אנה: העוף הזה טעים מאוד.
Anna: Ha-of ha-zeh ta’im me’od.
אופיר: כן? אני לקחתי דג. אי אפשר לקחת עוף עכשיו, כי זה נגמר.
Ofir: Ken? Ani lakaħ’ti dag. I ef’shar lakaħat of akh’shav ki nig’mar.
אנה: מה אתה הכי אוהב לאכול?
Anna: Mah atah ha-khi ohev le-ekhol?
אופיר: אני הכי אוהב לאכול אוכל הודי.
Ofir: Ani ha-khi ohev le-ekhol okhel hodi.
אנה: אוכל הודי? איפה אפשר לאכול אוכל הודי פה?
Anna: Okhel hodi? Eifo ef’shar le-ekhol okhel hodi po.
אופיר: אי אפשר פה בקיבוץ. אנחנו יכולים למצוא אוכל הודי בחיפה.
Ofir: I ef’shar po ba-kibbutz. Anaħ’nu yekholim lim’tzo okhel hodi be-ħe’ifah.
אנה: בסדר, אבל היום אי אפשר ללכת כי יש לי הרבה עבודה.
Anna: Beseder, aval lo ha-yom i’ efshar lalekhet ki yesh li har’beh avodah.
Sherah: Now, let’s hear it with the English translation.
אנה: העוף הזה טעים מאוד.
Anna: Ha-of ha-zeh ta’im me’od.
Anna: This chicken is really good.
אופיר: כן? אני לקחתי דג. אי אפשר לקחת עוף עכשיו, כי זה נגמר.
Ofir: Ken? Ani lakaħ’ti dag. I ef’shar lakaħat of akh’shav ki nig’mar.
Ofir: Yes? I took fish. You can't take chicken now because it's finished.
אנה: מה אתה הכי אוהב לאכול?
Anna: Mah atah ha-khi ohev le-ekhol?
Anna: What do you like to eat the most?
אופיר: אני הכי אוהב לאכול אוכל הודי.
Ofir: Ani ha-khi ohev le-ekhol okhel hodi.
Ofir: I like to eat Indian food the most.
אנה: אוכל הודי? איפה אפשר לאכול אוכל הודי פה?
Anna: Okhel hodi? Eifo ef’shar le-ekhol okhel hodi po.
Anna: Indian food? Where can you eat Indian food here?
אופיר: אי אפשר פה בקיבוץ. אנחנו יכולים למצוא אוכל הודי בחיפה.
Ofir: I ef’shar po ba-kibbutz. Anaħ’nu yekholim lim’tzo okhel hodi be-ħe’ifah.
Ofir: You can't here on the kibbutz. We can find Indian food in Haifa.
אנה: בסדר, אבל היום אי אפשר ללכת כי יש לי הרבה עבודה.
Anna: Beseder, aval lo ha-yom i’ efshar lalekhet ki yesh li har’beh avodah.
Anna: Okay, but today I can't because I have lots of work.
Sherah: Mealtimes in Israel are a little different from in the States and in parts of Europe.
Amir: Yeah, it’s probably similar to other mediterranean countries.
Sherah: It probably is. In the morning, people get up and eat sometime between 7 and 9, depending on what they need to do in the morning.
Amir: Breakfasts really vary from family to family. Some families will eat cereal, others will eat yoghurt and muesli and others will eat eggs, bread, cheese and vegetables.
Sherah: If you’re on a kibbutz, you might have the traditional Israeli breakfast. That’s eggs, cheese, vegetables and bread.
Amir: We do have one extra meal during the day and that is called ארוחת עשר or the “ten o’clock meal”.
Sherah: When ten o’clock rolls around, everyone pulls out their sandwiches and their fruit or vegetables. It’s like a morning snack.
Amir: Adults use this as a coffee or tea break as well.
Sherah: After this comes lunch. Lunch tends to be later than in other countries, with most families eating around 2.
Amir: This is probably why we eat a 10 o’clock meal, so we can last until 2 o’clock.
Sherah: Schools usually let kids out at 1, so it has to be later than this.
Amir: Lunch is a hot meal, and the biggest of all three.
Sherah: Right, it usually includes meat, vegetables and a carb.
Amir: Dinner is a light meal and most people eat it around 6 if they have children.
Sherah: If you don’t, then you might eat later, like around 8. Okay, now let’s move on to the vocabulary.
Sherah: Let’s take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson.
Sherah: The first word we shall see is...
Amir: לאכול [natural native speed]
Sherah: to eat
Amir: לאכול [slowly - broken down by syllable] לאכול [natural native speed]
Sherah: Next
Amir: עוף [natural native speed]
Sherah: chicken
Amir: עוף [slowly - broken down by syllable] עוף [natural native speed]
Sherah: Next
Amir: טעים [natural native speed]
Sherah: tasty
Amir: טעים [slowly - broken down by syllable] טעים [natural native speed]
Sherah: Next
Amir: דג [natural native speed]
Sherah: fish
Amir: דג [slowly - broken down by syllable] דג [natural native speed]
Sherah: Next
Amir: בכלל [natural native speed]
Sherah: at all
Amir: בכלל [slowly - broken down by syllable] בכלל [natural native speed]
Sherah: Next
Amir: הכי [natural native speed]
Sherah: the most
Amir: הכי [slowly - broken down by syllable] הכי [natural native speed]
Sherah: Next
Amir: הודי [natural native speed]
Sherah: Indian
Amir: הודי [slowly - broken down by syllable] הודי [natural native speed]
Sherah: Next
Amir: חיפה [natural native speed]
Sherah: Haifa
Amir: חיפה [slowly - broken down by syllable] חיפה [natural native speed]
Sherah: Let’s take a closer look at the vocabulary from this lesson. The first phrase is הכי אוהב.
Amir: הכי אוהב means “love the most”.
Sherah: You can use this to talk about the things that you love the most. or that you love to do the most. Personally, אני הכי אוהבת לצלם. “I love to take pictures the most.”
Amir: the word הכי can be attached to other words as well.
Sherah: It’s like adding an “-est” ending to a word in English. For instance, הכי חזק is “the strongest”.
Amir: Or הכי חלש is “the weakest”.
Sherah: The second word we are talking about in this lesson is בכלל.
Amir: The word is made up of two parts, -ב meaning “in” and כלל- for “general”.
Sherah: Yes, this can mean “in general” but it can also be translated as “at all”.
Amir: when you want to say “not at all”, you say בכלל לא.
Sherah: בכלל and בכלל לא are common answers to yes or no questions. Okay, now let’s move on to the Grammar.
Sherah: In this lesson, you will learn how to say that something is not possible.
Amir: In the dialogue, Ofir says אי אפשר לקחת עוף עכשיו כי זה נגמר.
Sherah: We’ve talked about the word אפשר before, it means “it is possible”. In natural English, it’s can be translated as “can”.
Amir: This is another modal expression, but this one doesn’t need to be conjugated.
Sherah: Right, it always appears in this form, and it’s followed by a verb in the infinitive. Let’s see an example of אפשר. Can you tell us that it’s possible to get to the seashore?
Amir: Sure; אפשר להגיע לחוף הים..
Sherah: So, what if you wanted to say the opposite of that, that something is not possible?
Amir: That’s simple, you would use אי אפשר, which is the opposite of אפשר.
Sherah: Let’s give the listeners an example sentence with אי אפשר and say that it’s not possible to get to the moon.
Amir: אי אפשר להגיע לירח.
Sherah: אפשר and אי אפשר are very useful because they can be used in general sentences without a subject.
Amir: Let’s show you what we mean by this.In the dialogue, Ofir said אי אפשר לקחת עוף.
Sherah: Right, he was saying that no one can have the chicken, not just him specifically.
Amir: This is why אי אפשר worked well for this situation.
Sherah: Now a lesson wouldn’t be complete without some examples.
Amir: True! Let’s take some sentences and show the direct difference in meaning between אפשר and אי אפשר. First one - אפשר לרכב על אופניים פה
Sherah: It’s possible to ride bicycles here. Here we used ‘ef’shar’ and then לרכב or “to ride”
Amir: אי אפשר לרכב על סוסים פה.
Sherah: “It’s not possible to ride horses here.” Here we used אי אפשר and then the same verb לרכב or “to ride”. Do you have another example?
Amir: I do - אפשר לנסוע לאילת במכונית.
Sherah: “It’s possible to travel to Eilat by car.” In this sentence, we used אפשר and then the verb לנסוע “to travel”.
Amir: אי אפשר לנסוע לאילת ברכבת.
Sherah: “It’s not possible to travel to Eilat by train.” Here we used the same verb לנסוע but with אי אפשר.


Sherah: Well, that’s it for this lesson. Thanks for listening, everyone!
Amir: Make sure you check the lesson notes, and leave us a comment telling us what is not possible for you to do. See you next time!
Sherah: Bye!

