
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Sherah: Hi everyone, and welcome back to HebrewPod101.com. This is Intermediate Season 1 Lesson 3 - Use Your Hebrew Skills To Get a Bargain. I’m Sherah.
Amir: שלום I'm Amir.
Sherah: In this lesson, you’ll learn how to use irregular Hifil verbs with yod in the first position of the root. The conversation takes place in a store.
Amir: It's between a clerk and Ella.
Sherah: The speakers are strangers, so they will use informal Hebrew. Okay, let's listen to the conversation.

Lesson conversation

אלה: סליחה.
מוכר: כן, גברת?
אלה: אפשר להוריד את התמונה הזאת בשבילי?
מוכר: כמובן. היא תמונה יפה.
אלה: נכון, גם אני חושבת. שניה... זה המחיר?!
מוכר: כן, זה ההעתק החמישי מתוך עשרים עותקים. בגלל שאין הרבה עותקים מהתמונה הזאת, המחיר גבוה.
אלה: הבנתי... יש הנחה אם אני משלמת במזומן?
מוכר: אוריד חמישה אחוזים אם את משלמת במזומן.
אלה: ומה אם אני קונה עוד תמונה? אני אוהבת גם את התמונה הזאת.
מוכר: מממ... טוב, אם את משלמת במזומן ולוקחת עוד תמונה, אפשר לתת לך עשרה אחוז הנחה.
אלה: יופי, תודה! עוד שאלה... אתה יכול להוציא את התמונות למכונית שלי?
מוכר: בטח!
Sherah: Listen to the conversation one time slowly.
אלה: סליחה.
מוכר: כן, גברת?
אלה: אפשר להוריד את התמונה הזאת בשבילי?
מוכר: כמובן. היא תמונה יפה.
אלה: נכון, גם אני חושבת. שניה... זה המחיר?!
מוכר: כן, זה ההעתק החמישי מתוך עשרים עותקים. בגלל שאין הרבה עותקים מהתמונה הזאת, המחיר גבוה.
אלה: הבנתי... יש הנחה אם אני משלמת במזומן?
מוכר: אוריד חמישה אחוזים אם את משלמת במזומן.
אלה: ומה אם אני קונה עוד תמונה? אני אוהבת גם את התמונה הזאת.
מוכר: מממ... טוב, אם את משלמת במזומן ולוקחת עוד תמונה, אפשר לתת לך עשרה אחוז הנחה.
אלה: יופי, תודה! עוד שאלה... אתה יכול להוציא את התמונות למכונית שלי?
מוכר: בטח!
Sherah: Listen to the conversation with the English translation
Ella: Excuse me.
clerk: Yes, ma'am?
Ella: Can you bring down that picture for me?
clerk: Of course. It's a beautiful picture.
Ella: True, I also think so. Wait a second...is that the price?!
clerk: Yes, this is the fifth copy out of twenty copies. Since there aren't many copies of this picture, the price is high.
Ella: Understood... Is there a discount if I pay with cash?
clerk: I will take five percent off the price if you pay cash.
Ella: And what if I buy another picture? I love this picture as well.
clerk: Mmm... okay, if you pay with cash and take another picture, it's possible to give you a ten percent discount.
Ella: Great, thank you. Another question... Can you take the pictures out to my car?
clerk: Of course!
Sherah: There’s one place in particular that Israelis love to shop that’s a little different from other places in Israel, and that’s Daliyat al Karmel.
Amir: This is a Druze village up in the Carmel Mountains.
Sherah: The Druze are a group who have a secret religion that some say is close to Islam.
Amir: They have a few villages in the North of Israel and Daliya, as it’s called locally is one of these villages.
Sherah: Many Israelis go to Daliyat al Carmel on the weekend to shop at the markets on the main street.
Amir: You can buy art, souvenirs, and spices in the market there.
Sherah: A lot of it is locally made.
Amir: And it’s a special place because of the surroundings.
Sherah: Right, it’s up above Haifa in the Carmel Mountains.
Amir: You can also learn about Druze culture while you’re there.
Sherah: Druze culture is different from Muslim, Christian, and Jewish cultures.
Amir: There is a cultural center you can visit, or you can just enjoy the atmosphere in town.
Sherah: Those are some good tips, listeners! Okay, now onto the vocab.
Sherah: Let’s take a look at the vocabulary from this lesson. The first word is..
Amir: להוריד [natural native speed]
Sherah: to take down
Amir: להוריד [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Amir: להוריד [natural native speed]
Sherah: Next we have..
Amir: העתק [natural native speed]
Sherah: copy
Amir: העתק[slowly - broken down by syllable]
Amir: העתק [natural native speed]
Sherah: Next we have..
Amir: מתוך [natural native speed]
Sherah: from
Amir: מתוך[slowly - broken down by syllable]
Amir: מתוך [natural native speed]
Sherah: Next we have..
Amir: הנחה [natural native speed]
Sherah: discount
Amir: הנחה[slowly - broken down by syllable]
Amir: הנחה [natural native speed]
Sherah: Next we have..
Amir: מזומן [natural native speed]
Sherah: cash
Amir: מזומן[slowly - broken down by syllable]
Amir: מזומן [natural native speed]
Sherah: Next we have..
Amir: נתן (לתת) [natural native speed]
Sherah: to give
Amir: נתן (לתת)[slowly - broken down by syllable]
Amir: נתן (לתת) [natural native speed]
Sherah: Next we have
Amir: להבין [natural native speed]
Sherah: to understand
Amir: להבין[slowly - broken down by syllable]
Amir: להבין [natural native speed]
Sherah: Next we have
Amir: להוציא [natural native speed]
Sherah: to bring out
Amir: להוציא [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Amir: להוציא [natural native speed]
Sherah: Next we have..
Amir: תמונה [natural native speed]
Sherah: picture
Amir: תמונה[slowly - broken down by syllable]
Amir: תמונה [natural native speed]
Sherah: And last..
Amir: מכונית [natural native speed]
Sherah: car
Amir: מכונית[slowly - broken down by syllable]
Amir: מכונית [natural native speed]
Sherah: Let's have a closer look at the usage of some of the words and phrases from this lesson. The first word is..
Amir: העתק
Sherah: meaning "copy"
Amir: This noun comes from the verb להעתיק.
Sherah: להעתיק means “to copy” or “to duplicate”.
Amir: Like in the dialogue, העתק can also be used for prints of artwork.
Sherah: Can you give us an example using this word?
Amir: Sure. For example, you can say..אפשר לעשות חמישים העתקים של הדף הזה?
Sherah: ..which means "Can you make fifty copies of this paper?" Okay, what's the next word?
Amir: מתוך
Sherah: meaning "from"
Amir: It can also be used to mean “out of,” like when you say “four out of five”.
Sherah: It’s made from the combination of מ (mi) meaning “from”.
Amir: And תוך meaning “inside”.
Sherah: Can you give us an example using this word?
Amir: Sure. For example, you can say..הוא אוהב להוציא את העוגיות מתוך הקופסה.
Sherah: .. which means "He likes to take the cookies out of the package." Okay, what's the next word?
Amir: נתן
Sherah: meaning "gave"
Sherah: This is an irregular verb as it has two nuns in the root. The infinitive is לתת.
Amir: If you’ve gotten to this level of Hebrew, you’ve definitely come in contact with it before, because it’s very common.
Sherah: So here are two expressions that use לתת:
Amir: The first is: נותן כבוד ל
Sherah: This means “shows respect to”.
Amir: The second is נותן אמון ב
Sherah: It means to “trust [someone or something]”. Can you give us an example using this word?
Amir: Sure. For example, you can say..האמא נותנת אוכל לבן שלה.
Sherah: .. which means "The mother is giving food to her son." Okay, now onto the lesson focus.

Lesson focus

Sherah: In this lesson, you'll learn how to use irregular Hifil verbs with yod in the first position of the root. In previous seasons, we introduced you to the hifil verb group in a very basic way.
Amir: These are generally causative verbs, which means they are causing something to become something else...
Sherah: ...Or they are causing something to be done.
Amir: As with all the other verb groups, there are irregular verbs in this one too.
Sherah: In Hifil, when there is a weak letter in the first position of the root, it is often dropped.
Amir: The letters that are dropped in these cases are nun or yod.
Sherah: In this lesson we’ll be looking at what happens when the first letter of the root is yod.
Amir: We see an example of this verb in the dialogue when Ella asks: ?אפשר להוריד את התמונה הזאת בשבילי
Sherah: She asks the clerk to bring a picture down for her and uses the verb להוריד in the infinitive form.
Amir: להוריד in this sentence means “to bring down” and the root is yod-resh-dalet.
Sherah: In the infinitive, the yod is omitted and is replaced by a vav.
Amir: The vav replaces the yod in all tenses and all conjugations.
Sherah: Right, and we see an example of the same verb in the future later on in the dialogue.
Amir: The clerk says: אוריד חמישה אחוזים אם את משלמת במזומן.
Sherah: Or “I will take five percent off the price if you pay cash.”
Amir: This is a perfect example of how להוריד is conjugated in the future – the future prefix is added to the verb stem.
Sherah: The vav replaces the yod as in the infinitive, but otherwise it’s conjugated the same as other verbs in the hifil verb group.
Amir: The last irregular hifil verb in the dialogue is the verb להוציא meaning “to take out”.
Sherah: The root for this verb is yod-tzadi-aleph.
Amir: It has the same pattern as להוריד. The yod is dropped in all the conjugations and it’s replaced with a vav.
Sherah: In the dialogue, the infinitive form is used.
Amir: Ella asks the clerk: ?אתה יכול להוציא את התמונות למכונית שלי
Sherah: She says: “Can you take the pictures out to my car?”
Amir: In the present tense, the singular conjugations are מוציא and מוציאה.
Sherah: And the plural conjugations are מוציאים and מוציאות. Let’s hear some sample sentences with these irregular verbs.
Amir: Sure, the first is: הוצאנו את היצירה של מוצארט מהתוכנית.
Sherah: Meaning “We took the Mozart composition out of the program.”
Amir: The next is הינשוף מוציא עצם מהעכבר.
Sherah: Meaning “The owl is taking a bone out of the mouse.”
Amir: The last sentence is with the verb להודיע which means “to notify”. המשטרה תודיע למשפחה שהילדה נמצאת בתחנה.
Sherah: This means “The police will notify the family that the girl is at the station.”


Sherah: Okay, that’s all for this lesson. Thank you for listening, everyone, and we’ll see you next time! Bye!
Amir: תודה

