
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Sherah: Hi everyone, and welcome back to HebrewPod101.com. This is Intermediate Season 1 Lesson 2 -What’s the Weather Forecast for Israel this Week? Sherah Here.
Amir: שלום I'm Amir.
Sherah: In this lesson, you’ll learn how to use construct nouns and about agreement. The conversation takes place at Ella's apartment.
Amir: It's between Ella and Daniel.
Sherah: The speakers are friends, so they will speak informal Hebrew. Okay, let's listen to the conversation.

Lesson conversation

חזאי: בתחזית לשבוע הקרוב, יש לנו מזג אוויר הפוך מהשמש שהייתה לנו השבוע.
חזאי: ממחר הטמפרטורות ירדו מתחת לרגיל לעונה ויהיה לנו סוף-סוף גשם.
: נתחיל את השבוע עם סופת רעמים.
: רוב הגשם יגיע בבוקר וירד בצפון הארץ.
: במרכז הארץ הגשם יהיה חלש יותר אבל יש סיכוי לברד.
: הגשם יימשך עד יום שלישי בשעות הבוקר המוקדמות.
חזאי: מיום שלישי בצהריים תהיה לנו שוב שמש עד סוף השבוע.
אלה: חבל! עכשיו אי אפשר ללכת לטיול שתכננו.
דניאל: (מחדר אחר) מה? לא הקשבתי. מה היה בתחזית?
אלה: אמרו שתהיה סופת רעמים חזקה וגשם עד יום שלישי.
דניאל: לא נורא, נעביר את הטיול שלנו לסוף השבוע.
Sherah: Listen to the conversation one time slowly.
חזאי: בתחזית לשבוע הקרוב, יש לנו מזג אוויר הפוך מהשמש שהייתה לנו השבוע.
חזאי: ממחר הטמפרטורות ירדו מתחת לרגיל לעונה ויהיה לנו סוף-סוף גשם.
: נתחיל את השבוע עם סופת רעמים.
: רוב הגשם יגיע בבוקר וירד בצפון הארץ.
: במרכז הארץ הגשם יהיה חלש יותר אבל יש סיכוי לברד.
: הגשם יימשך עד יום שלישי בשעות הבוקר המוקדמות.
חזאי: מיום שלישי בצהריים תהיה לנו שוב שמש עד סוף השבוע.
אלה: חבל! עכשיו אי אפשר ללכת לטיול שתכננו.
דניאל: (מחדר אחר) מה? לא הקשבתי. מה היה בתחזית?
אלה: אמרו שתהיה סופת רעמים חזקה וגשם עד יום שלישי.
דניאל: לא נורא, נעביר את הטיול שלנו לסוף השבוע.
Sherah: Listen to the conversation with the English translation
Forecaster: In the forecast for next week, the weather will be opposite from the sun we have this week.
Forecaster: From tomorrow, the temperatures will drop below normal for the season and we will finally have rain.
: We will begin the week with a thunderstorm.
: Most of the rain will come in the morning and will be in the north of the country.
: In the center of the country the rain will be weaker, but there is a chance of hail.
: The rain will continue through Tuesday in the morning.
forecaster: From Tuesday afternoon, we will have sun again until the end of the week.
Ella: Too bad! Now it's not possible to go on the trip we planned.
Daniel: (from another room) What? I wasn't listening. What was the forecast?
Ella: They said there will be thunderstorms and rain until Tuesday.
Daniel: It's not that bad, we'll move our trip to the weekend.
Sherah: In Israel, there are basically two seasons, summer and winter.
Amir: In summer it’s hot and in winter is cool and rainy.
Sherah: The winter presents some difficulties, especially in the south of Israel.
Amir: Well, flash floods are always a problem in desert areas.
Sherah: Yes, and in Israel it’s no different.
Amir: Not much rain falls in the desert.
Sherah: But when it does, the ground can’t absorb the water so quickly, so it all ends up in the wadis.
Amir: This leads to flash floods that are very dangerous.
Sherah: What makes it even more dangerous is that it could be sunny where you are in the desert and you can still get flash floods.
Amir: If it rains higher up in the mountains or hills, it can still flood further down.
Sherah: If you’re in Israel in the rainy season, make sure you check the weather forecast before traveling to the desert.
Amir: Listen to the news while you’re traveling, just to make sure you’ll be safe.
Sherah: Okay, now onto the vocab.
Sherah: Let’s take a look at the vocabulary from this lesson. The first word is..
Amir: תחזית [natural native speed]
Sherah: forecast
Amir: תחזית[slowly - broken down by syllable]
Amir: תחזית [natural native speed]
Sherah: Next we have..
Amir: עונה [natural native speed]
Sherah: season
Amir: עונה[slowly - broken down by syllable]
Amir: עונה [natural native speed]
Sherah: Next we have..
Amir: סופה [natural native speed]
Sherah: storm
Amir: סופה [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Amir: סופה [natural native speed]
Sherah: Next we have..
Amir: סופת רעמים [natural native speed]
Sherah: thunderstorm
Amir: סופת רעמים[slowly - broken down by syllable]
Amir: סופת רעמים [natural native speed]
Sherah: Next we have..
Amir: ברד [natural native speed]
Sherah: hail
Amir: ברד[slowly - broken down by syllable]
Amir: ברד [natural native speed]
Sherah: Next we have..
Amir: להימשך [natural native speed]
Sherah: to continue
Amir: להימשך[slowly - broken down by syllable]
Amir: להימשך [natural native speed]
Sherah: Next we have
Amir: שעות הבוקר [natural native speed]
Sherah: the morning hours
Amir: שעות הבוקר[slowly - broken down by syllable]
Amir: שעות הבוקר [natural native speed]
Sherah: Next we have
Amir: שוב [natural native speed]
Sherah: again
Amir: שוב[slowly - broken down by syllable]
Amir: שוב [natural native speed]
Sherah: Next we have..
Amir: להקשיב [natural native speed]
Sherah: to listen
Amir: להקשיב[slowly - broken down by syllable]
Amir: להקשיב [natural native speed]
Sherah: And last..
Amir: להעביר [natural native speed]
Sherah: to transfer
Amir: להעביר[slowly - broken down by syllable]
Amir: להעביר [natural native speed]
Sherah: Let's have a closer look at the usage of some of the words and phrases from this lesson. The first word is..
Amir: תחזית
Sherah: meaning "forecast"
Sherah: This is a feminine noun, as you can see from the ending of the word.
Amir: It’s often paired with מזג אוויר to mean “weather forecast”.
Sherah: You’ll mostly hear it when talking about the weather, but you may also hear it when talking about science or תחזית מדעית.
Amir: or when talking about economics or תחזית כלכלית.
Sherah: Or even politics, which is תחזית פוליטית.
Sherah: So, can you give us an example using this word?
Amir: Sure. For example, you can say..תחזית מזג האוויר למחר היא שירד גשם..
Sherah: ..which means "The weather forecast for tomorrow is rain."
Sherah: Okay, what's the next word?
Amir: סופת רעמים
Sherah: meaning "thunderstorm"
Sherah: This is a סמיכות or a construct phrase, so it is made up of two words in Hebrew.
Amir: The first word is סופה which means a “storm” or a “gale”.
Sherah: In סמיכות the heh from the end of סופה is dropped and replaced by a tav, so it becomes סופת.
Amir: The second word is רעמים meaning “thunder” in the plural.
Sherah: So רעמים would be “lots of thunder”, since it’s plural. “Thunder” in English is both singular and plural, but Hebrew has both a singular and a plural form.
Amir: Looks that way. Other kind of storms are סופת חול meaning a “sand storm” and a סופת שלג which is a “snow storm”.
Sherah: Can you give us an example using this word?
Amir: Sure. For example, you can say.. התעוררתי לרעש של סופת רעמים.
Sherah: .. which means "I woke up to the noise of a thunderstorm.” Okay, what's the next word?
Amir: ברד
Sherah: meaning "hail"
Sherah: This is a masculine noun.
Amir: It’s not so common in Israel but we do get it once in awhile.
Sherah: It’s also used for ice drinks, like slushies.
Amir: Right, those are very popular here in the summer when it’s hot.
Sherah: Can you give us an example using this word?
Amir: Sure. For example, you can say..אתמול ירד ברד בגודל של כדורי גולף.
Sherah: .. which means "Yesterday, it hailed hail the size of golf balls. "
Sherah: Okay, now onto the lesson focus.

Lesson focus

Sherah: In this lesson, you'll learn about construct nouns and agreement. As we’ve covered in previous seasons, there is a special form for construct phrases in Hebrew.
Amir: Or as we say in Hebrew - סמיכות.
Sherah: The first thing to note is that the order of the words is the opposite from what we would say in English.
Amir: For instance, with סופת רעמים you are saying “storm thunder”.
Sherah: Another thing that is specific to the form is that the noun in the first position sometimes changes form according to the gender.
Amir: When the first noun is masculine, it usually stays the same, but may have some vowel changes.
Sherah: Right, so let’s look at some examples of a סמיכות with a masculine noun in the first position.
Amir: The first example from the dialogue is מזג אוויר
Sherah: Or “weather” in English. מזג means “temperament” and אוויר mean “air”.
Amir: The next example is צפון הארץ
Sherah: Which is “north of the country”.
Amir: The last example with a masculine noun in the first position is מרכז הארץ.
Sherah: Meaning “center of the country”. The other situation where the first noun doesn’t change form is with a feminine plural noun.
Amir: We have one of these examples in the dialogue as well and that is שעות הבוקר
Sherah: Which means “morning hours”. When the first noun is a feminine singular noun, then it changes form.
Amir: Right, the heh is dropped and replaced with a tav. We had a סמיכות like this in the vocab section, סופת רעמים.
Sherah: That’s “thunderstorm”.
Amir: But if a feminine singular noun is in the first position and it already ends in a tav, it doesn’t change form, like מנהלת בנק
Sherah: This isn’t from the dialogue, but it means “bank manager”.
Amir: The kind of noun that changes form in the first position is a masculine plural noun.
Sherah: Right. it drops the mem sofit, and the last syllable turns from “im” to “ei”.
Amir: So, מרכזים becomes מרכזי קניות in shopping centers.
Sherah: When you add an adjective to the mix, it needs to agree with one of the words in the סמיכות.
Amir: That’s usually going to be the first word, but it can also be the second.
Sherah: Whichever word it is, it has to agree in number and gender.
Amir: An example of this would be if you want to say a strong thunderstorm, you would say סופת רעמים חזקה
Sherah: חזקה agrees with סופה and not with רעמים.
Amir: There is an example of this also in the dialogue with the phrase שעות הבוקר המוקדמות.
Sherah: מוקדמות agrees with שעות in this case.
Amir: One thing to remember here is to add the definite article -ה to the adjective if it needs it.
Sherah: Right, if it’s used in the סמיכות, you need it also with the adjective. Let’s hear more sample sentences that use a סמיכות.
Amir: The first is מנהלת הבנק החדשה התחילה לעבוד היום.
Sherah: This means “The new bank manager started working today.”
Amir: The second sentence is: הייתם במרכזי הקניות היפים שיש באילת?
Sherah: The translation is: “Have you been to the nice new shopping centers in Eilat?”
Amir: The last sentence is: איפה היית בשעות הערב?
Sherah: Meaning “Where were you in the evening?”


Sherah: Okay, that’s all for this lesson. Thank you for listening, everyone, and we’ll see you next time! Bye!
Amir: תודה

