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Lesson Transcript

Hello, everyone! I’m Idit. Welcome to Weekly Hebrew Words and today, we’re going to talk about drinks. Yeah!
(kaffe) “coffee”
נשתה עוד כוס קפה?
(nishte od kos kaffe?) “Maybe we'll have one more coffee?”
Yeah, coffee, that’s my favorite drink ever. I started drinking coffee way too young, I think maybe when I was like six I guess. So when I was a little girl, my grandmother used to make me this strong Turkish coffee with a residue on the bottom and it’s really quite potent. And then she’d give me a jar of biscuits and I would dip biscuits in the coffee until all the coffee ran out. So yeah, thanks grandmother, I’m really short now.
(bira) “beer”
איזה בירה אתה רוצה? חצי או שליש
(eize bira ata rotse? chetsi o shlish) “What beer do you want? A half or a third?”
So in Israel, you calculate beers by a third or a half of a liter. We don’t have pints or anything like that. It’s just either a third of a liter, half a liter or a full liter or a pitcher. And there used to be like this saying,
שליש זה מביש
(shlish ze mevish), like, “a third is disgraceful” like nobody drinks a third of a liter like be a proper human being and get a half. But some beers are very strong and drinking a third of them is okay. Don’t ever let anybody tell you not to drink a third of a liter. That’s perfectly fine.
(chalav) “milk”
אני קצת רגישה לחלב אז אני אשתה קפה שחור
(ani ktzat regisha lechalav az ani eshte kaffe shachor) “I'm a bit sensitive to milk, so I'll have my coffee black.”
Also, quite common for people, I think most people are somewhat sensitive to lactose or milk or just don’t like the flavor. So I have my coffees with soy milk and you say that in Hebrew
חלב סויה
(chalav soya). So if you’re sensitive, always remember to ask for
חלב סויה
(chalav soya).
(mayim) “water”
תשתו משהו? לא, רק מים בבקשה
(tishtu mashehu? lo, rak mayim bevakasha) “Would you have something to drink? No, just water please.”
So in Israel like many other places, tap water in the restaurants are complimentary. So when the waiter asks you would you want something to drink and you don’t so we just say, “It’s fine, just water.”.
(yain) “wine”
את רוצה להגיד לי ששתית בקבוק שלם של יין לבד?
(at rotsa lehagid li sheshatit bakbuk shalem shel yain levad?) “Do you want to tell me you’ve had a whole bottle of wine on your own?”
No, I did not. There’s a very nice Israeli song that translates literally to “I am drunk, but not from wine.”, and that just really means that this guy is very happy and giddy from things that he sees around him so he feels like he’s drunk, but it’s not from alcohol.
אני שיכור ולא מיין ידידיי
(Ani shikor velo mi’yain yedidai.)
So thank you everyone! Let me know in the comments below what’s your favorite drink and let me know what age you started drinking coffee if you do drink coffee. Help me feel that I’m not alone and I’ll see you next week. Don’t forget to check out HebrewPod101.com for more content and more videos and I’ll see you next week. Bye!

