
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Sherah: Hi everyone, and welcome back to HebrewPod101.com. This is Beginner Season 1 Lesson 14 - How Long Will You Have to Wait in Israel? Sherah Here.
Amir: שלום I'm Amir.
Sherah: In this lesson, you’ll learn about the irregular pa'al verb לראות. The conversation takes place at the gym.
Amir: It's between Nitzan and clerk.
Sherah: The speakers are in a casual setting, so they’ll be using informal Hebrew. Okay, let's listen to the conversation.

Lesson conversation

ניצן: שלום, אני מעוניין להצטרף למועדון הכושר שלכם.
פקידה: יופי, אני רק צריכה כמה פרטים ממך קודם.
ניצן: בסדר.
פקידה: אפשר לראות את תעודת הזהות שלך?
ניצן: בבקשה.
פקידה: ויש לך אישור רפואי?
ניצן: כן, הנה זה יש עוד משהו שאת צריכה ממני?
פקידה: כן, אפשר למלא את הטופס הזה?
ניצן: את כל זה?
פקידה: לא, רק את החלק הזה..
Sherah: Listen to the conversation one time slowly.
ניצן: שלום, אני מעוניין להצטרף למועדון הכושר שלכם.
פקידה: יופי, אני רק צריכה כמה פרטים ממך קודם.
ניצן: בסדר.
פקידה: אפשר לראות את תעודת הזהות שלך?
ניצן: בבקשה.
פקידה: ויש לך אישור רפואי?
ניצן: כן, הנה זה יש עוד משהו שאת צריכה ממני?
פקידה: כן, אפשר למלא את הטופס הזה?
ניצן: את כל זה?
פקידה: לא, רק את החלק הזה.
Sherah: Listen to the conversation with the English translation.
Nitzan: Hello, I want to join your gym.
Clerk: Good, I just need some information from you first.
Nitzan: Okay.
Clerk: Can I see your identity card?
Nitzan: Here you go.
Clerk: And you have a medical certificate?
Nitzan: Yeah, here it is. Is there something else you need from me?
Clerk: Yes, can you fill out this form?
Nitzan: All of this?
Clerk: No, only this part.
Sherah: If you are looking for a gym in Israel, they’re relatively easy to find, especially in larger cities.
Amir: There are even international gym chains like Holmes Place scattered throughout the country.
Sherah: If you’re only in Israel for a short trip, you can try out one of the gyms with a short-term membership.
Amir: There is also an array of specialized gyms.
Sherah: Right, gyms that specialize in martial arts or crossfit.
Amir: Or you can find studios for yoga and pilates if that’s what you’re into.
Sherah: And if you don’t have a budget to join a gym, don’t worry about it.
Amir: You can find places to exercise right outside your door in many towns.
Sherah: These days, there’s outdoor gym equipment in many local parks.
Amir: You can find anything from bars for pull-ups to lifting apparatuses based on lifting your body weight.
Sherah: I’ve even seen outdoor stationary bikes in some parks.
Amir: Yes, and if walking is your thing, there are many walking paths and hiking trails.
Sherah: So there are a lot of options! Okay, now onto the vocab.
Sherah: Let’s take a look at the vocabulary from this lesson. The first word is..
Amir: מעוניין [natural native speed]
Sherah: interested
Amir: מעוניין[slowly - broken down by syllable]
Amir: מעוניין [natural native speed]
Sherah: Next we have..
Amir: להצטרף [natural native speed]
Sherah: to join
Amir: להצטרף[slowly - broken down by syllable]
Amir: להצטרף [natural native speed]
Sherah: Next we have..
Amir: מועדון כושר [natural native speed]
Sherah: gym
Amir: מועדון כושר[slowly - broken down by syllable]
Amir: מועדון כושר [natural native speed]
Sherah: Next we have..
Amir: פרט [natural native speed]
Sherah: item, detail
Amir: פרט[slowly - broken down by syllable]
Amir: פרט [natural native speed]
Sherah: Next we have..
Amir: קודם [natural native speed]
Sherah: before
Amir: קודם[slowly - broken down by syllable]
Amir: קודם [natural native speed]
Sherah: Next we have..
Amir: תועדת זהות [natural native speed]
Sherah: identity card
Amir: תועדת זהות[slowly - broken down by syllable]
Amir: תועדת זהות [natural native speed]
Sherah: Next we have..
Amir: אישור [natural native speed]
Sherah: confirmation
Amir: אישור[slowly - broken down by syllable]
Amir: אישור [natural native speed]
Sherah: Next we have..
Amir: רפואי [natural native speed]
Sherah: medical
Amir: רפואי[slowly - broken down by syllable]
Amir: רפואי [natural native speed]
Sherah: Next we have..
Amir: לשלם [natural native speed]
Sherah: to pay
Amir: לשלם[slowly - broken down by syllable]
Amir: לשלם [natural native speed]
Sherah: Next we have..
Amir: כרטיס אשראי [natural native speed]
Sherah: credit card
Amir: כרטיס אשראי[slowly - broken down by syllable]
Amir: כרטיס אשראי [natural native speed]
Sherah: Let's take a closer look at the usage of some of the words and phrases from this lesson. The first word is..
Amir: פרטים
Sherah: meaning "details"
Amir: פרטים is the plural of the word פרט.
Sherah: פרט means “detail”, “element” or “individual”.
Amir: When someone asks you for your פרטים they are asking for your details.
Sherah: Right, like your phone number, your address or your identity number.
Amir: An expression that uses the word פרטים is פרטי פרטים.
Sherah: This means “in great detail”. Amir, can you give us an example using the word פרטים?
Amir: Sure. For example, you can say.. מה הפרטים שלכם?
Sherah: ..which means "What are your details?" The next word is..
Amir: כושר
Sherah: meaning "fitness", “ability” and “power”.
Amir: You often hear Israelis use the term בכושר.
Sherah: בכושר means “being fit” or “in good form”.
Amir: כושר is also often paired with the adjective גופני, meaning “bodily” or “physical”.
Sherah: כושר גופני means “physically fit". How about an example, Amir?
Amir: Sure. For example, you can say.. איתי בכושר גופני טוב.
Sherah: ..which means "Itay is in good physical fitness." The last word is..
Amir: תעודת זהות
Sherah: meaning "identity card"
Amir: A תעודת זהות is something every Israeli and resident of Israel has.
Sherah: The first word in this phrase is תעודת. It’s in a construct state, so the tav is actually a heh in the original word.
Amir: And תעודה means “certificate”, “document”, “diploma” or even “destination”.
Sherah: תעודה is also used in the phrase “matriculation certificate” or תעודת בגרות.
Amir: The second word of the phrase is זהות and it means “identity”.
Sherah: Can you give us an example using תעודת זהות?
Amir: Sure. For example, you can say.. יש לך את תעודת הזהות שלך איתך?
Sherah: ..which means "Do you have your identity card with you?"ю Okay, now onto the grammar.

Lesson focus

Sherah: In this lesson, you will learn about the inflected preposition -מ. In Hebrew, the preposition -מ means “from”.
Amir: It’s a preposition that attaches to the word it precedes.
Sherah: It also has another form, which is מן. This form doesn’t attach to the word that follows it. As with other prepositions in Hebrew, -מ can be inflected using pronoun suffixes.
Amir: We see an example of this in the dialogue when the clerk from the gym says אני רק צריכה כמה פרטים ממך קודם
Sherah: This means, “I just need some information from you first”.
Amir: “from you” in this sentence was “ממך”
Sherah: This is the combination of the preposition -מ and the pronoun ending -ך for “you” in the masculine singular form.
Amir: Later in the dialogue, Nitzan says, יש עוד משהו שאת צריכה ממני?
Sherah: This means, “Is there something else you want from me?”
Amir: Here, the preposition -מ is combined with the first person singular ending י-
Sherah: As you can hear from these examples, the combination of the preposition with the pronoun suffix is not as straightforward as with other inflected pronouns.
Amir: Right, in these inflections there are a few extra letters added to help with the pronunciation of the word.
Sherah: Let’s review the inflections of “from me” and “from you”. The first inflection is “from me”.
Amir: This is ממני.
Sherah: Next is “from you” in the masculine singular.
Amir: That is ממך
Sherah: And the last is “from you” in the feminine singular.
Amir: That is ממך.
Sherah: So, now that we’ve gone over the inflections, let’s hear them in some sample sentences.
Amir: Okay, the first sample sentence is קִיבַּלְתְּ את המכתב ממני?
Sherah: This means, “Did you get the letter from me?” and it uses the inflection “from me”, or ממני.
Amir: The next sentence is אפשר לקבל חתימה ממך?
Sherah: This means, “Can I get a signature from you?” ממך is the inflection.
Amir: The last sample sentence is הוא מרוצה ממך והעבודה שלך.
Sherah: This means, “He is pleased with you and your work”. This sentence uses the feminine singular inflection ממך.


Sherah: Okay, that’s all for this lesson. Thank you for listening, everyone, and we’ll see you next time! Bye!
Amir: תודה

