
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript


Shira: Hello and welcome to HebrewPod101.com’s Absolute Beginner Season 1, Lesson 6 - Catching up With an Old Friend in Israel. I’m your host, Shira.
Amir: Shalom, I’m Amir.
Shira: In this lesson, you will learn how to catch up with someone in Hebrew.
Amir: The conversation takes place at the airport.
Shira: It’s between David and Peter, two old friends and work colleagues.
Amir: The dialogue is informal.
Shira: Let’s listen to the conversation

Lesson conversation

David: הי, פטר?
(Hey, Peter?)
Peter: דוויד, כבר עבר הרבה זמן!
(David, k’var avar harbeh z’man!)
David: נכון, הרבה זמן לא התראינו!
(Nakhon, harbeh z’man lo hit’ra’enu.)
Shira: Let’s listen to the conversation one more time slowly.
David: הי, פטר?
(Hey, Peter?)
Peter: דוויד, כבר עבר הרבה זמן!
(David, k’var avar harbeh z’man!)
David: נכון, הרבה זמן לא התראינו!
(Nakhon, harbeh z’man lo hit’ra’enu.)
Shira: Let’s listen to the conversation with the English translation.
David: הי, פטר?
(Hey, Peter?)
Shira: Hey, Peter?
Peter: דוויד, כבר עבר הרבה זמן!
(David, k’var avar harbeh z’man!)
Shira: David, it’s been a while!
David: נכון, הרבה זמן לא התראינו!
(Nakhon, harbeh z’man lo hit’ra’enu.)
Shira: True, long time no see!
Amir: So, what cultural insight are we sharing with our listeners in this lesson?
Shira: Let’s talk about Ben Gurion.
Amir: I’m guess that you’re talking about the airport since David and Peter met up at the airport.
Shira: Yeah, I meant the airport, not the man. Although, it would be a good idea to talk about him in one of these lessons as well.
Amir: Okay. Ben Gurion airport is considered to be one of the most secure airports in the world.
Shira: The reason for this is the many levels of security that are in place there.
Amir: You may only be aware of a few of these security measures because only some of them are visible to most people.
Shira: Right. It can be a little frustrating to go through all the different levels especially as a tourist.
Amir: The first thing that you’ll see is the security gate at the entrance to the airport – this is the first line of defense.
Shira: Unfortunately, in Israel, it has to be seen that way. At the car gate, security will ask you a few questions and look into your car to see if there’s anything suspicious.
Amir: Once you park and you’re on your way into the airport you’ll pass another security guard. If he feels you may be a threat, he will ask you for identification and possibly send you through the metal detector.
Shira: Once you’re inside, you will need to find the right line for further security checks, but before you get there, there are a few security measures in place.
Amir: Yes, there are security officers in uniform, as well as undercover agents and they may strike up a conversation with you just to check you out.
Shira: There are also cameras everywhere, keeping an eye on everything going on.
Amir: When you’re in line for the security check, you will be questioned about your trip and you’ll need to show your identification.
Shira: In the rare event that you’re considered a very low security threat, you will be able to go straight to the check-in line. If not, your bags will be scanned and possibly opened to look at the contents.
Amir: Or even worse, you might have to be taken aside to have your body checked by a security officer. That is rare though.
Shira: Yeah, but in all my years of living in Israel, I personally have gone through all of those checks. Although it may be frustrating at times, it’s worth it to feel secure.
Amir: The last check is passport control where you may be asked again what you’re doing in Israel.
Shira: If you’re coming from another airport to Ben Gurion, there are usually extra checks for you to get onto your plane before you come to Israel.
Amir: So, now you should understand better about why Ben Gurion is considered to be one of the most secure airports in the world.
Shira: Okay. Now let’s go to the vocabulary for this lesson. First, we have:
Amir: כבר (K'var) [natural native speed]
Shira: Already.
Amir: כבר (K'var) [slowly - broken down by syllable]. כבר (K'var) [natural native speed]
Shira: Next:
Amir: לעבור/עבר (La-avor/avar) [natural native speed]
Shira: To pass or move.
Amir: לעבור/עבר (La-avor/avar) [slowly - broken down by syllable]. לעבור/עבר (La-avor/avar) [natural native speed]
Shira: Next:
Amir: הרבה (Har'beh) [natural native speed]
Shira: Many or much.
Amir: הרבה (Har'beh) [slowly - broken down by syllable]. הרבה (Har'beh) [natural native speed]
Shira: Next:
Amir: זמן (zman) [natural native speed]
Shira: Time
Amir: זמן (zman) [slowly - broken down by syllable]. זמן (zman) [natural native speed]
Shira: Next:
Amir: נכון (nakhon) [natural native speed]
Shira: Correct or true.
Amir: נכון (nakhon) [slowly - broken down by syllable]. נכון (nakhon) [natural native speed]
Shira: Next:
Amir: לא (lo) [natural native speed]
Shira: No.
Amir: לא (lo)[slowly - broken down by syllable]. לא (lo)[natural native speed]
Shira: And last:
Amir: להתראות/התראה (Le-hitra'ot/hit'ra'ah) [natural native speed]
Shira: To see one another.
Amir: להתראות/התראה (Le-hitra'ot/hit'ra'ah) [slowly - broken down by syllable]. להתראות/התראה (Le-hitra'ot/hit'ra'ah) [natural native speed]
Shira: Let’s take a closer look at some of the vocabulary from this lesson. The first word is לעבור (La-avor).
Amir: לעבור (La-avor) means “to pass” or “to move.”
Shira: It can mean to “pass” a test or to “go past something”. It can also mean to “move” as in moving house.
Amir: Our next word is הרבה (Har'beh) and it means “many” or “much”.
Shira: It’s related to the word רב (rav) that we learned in an earlier lesson, but it comes before the noun, like הרבה מתנות (Har'beh matanot).
Amir: It also doesn’t change form, like רב (rav).
Shira: Next we move on to זמן (zman).
Amir: Z’man is “time” but not in the sense of “what’s the time”. It means time in the context of hours, days, months and years.
Shira: Yes, it’s more a description of a chunk of time and not a specific “time” of day.
Amir: So, the next word is נכון which means “right” or “correct”.
Shira: We use this when we want to say if something is “true” נכון (nakhon) or “false” לא נכון (lo nakhon).
Amir: Our last word is לא (lo) or “no”
Shira: Okay, let’s move on to the Grammar section.

Lesson focus

Shira: In this lesson, you will learn how to catch up with an old friend in Hebrew.
Amir: You’ll also learn why we say כבר עבר הרבה זמן (K'var avar harbeh z'man).
Shira: Or why we say הרבה זמן לא התראנו (Harbeh z'man lo hit'ra'enu).
Amir: Let’s start with the first phrase, כבר עבר הרבה זמן (K'var avar harbeh z'man).
Shira: In the dialogue, we translated this as “It’s been awhile”, but that is really the figurative translation.
Amir: When we break it down, we begin with the first word כבר (K'var) which means “already”.
Shira: The second word is עבר (avar) or “passed”. The last two words are הרבה זמן (harbeh z'man) or “much time”.
Amir: When we put these all together we are saying “already passed much time”.
Shira: Or in a more logical order, “much time has passed already”.
Amir: The word order in Hebrew depends more on the emphasis in the sentence than on grammar rules.
Shira: The speaker wanted to emphasize that “already” a lot of time has passed since they last saw each other and that’s why he used that word order. Let’s move on to our second phrase!
Amir: It is הרבה זמן לא התראנו (Harbeh z'man lo hit'ra'enu).
Shira: In Hebrew, there isn’t a popular saying like “long time, no see”, but this phrase means basically the same thing.
Amir: The first two words, הרבה זמן (harbeh z'man), we saw in the last phrase they mean “much time”.
Shira: The next word לא (lo) means “no”.
Amir: The last word is התראנו (hitra'enu) and it means “we saw each other”.
Shira: There are seven different types of verbs in Hebrew, we call them בניינים . This verb is part of the reflexive group of verbs.
Amir: These verbs can be like reflexive verbs in English, but they can also be something that two people are involved in, like kissing or marrying each other.
Shira: Our verb, התראנו (hitra'enu) is part of this latter group. להתראות means “to see each other.”
Amir: It’s in the past tense, which means that the subject is a part of the verb in many cases. The end of התראנו (hit'ra'enu), the –נו part tells us that the subject is “we”.
Shira: So if we put all these words together, we are saying “much time we didn’t see each other.”
Amir: As it was with the last phrase, the word order of this sentence is not what you typically have in an English sentence.
Shira: Yes, what you want to emphasize is at the beginning. The speaker wanted to emphasize the fact that a lot of time had passed.
Amir: The last thing that you can see from the sentence is the use of לא (lo).
Shira: Not only does לא (lo) mean “no” but it’s also used like “not” in English. Can you give us an example, Amir?
Amir: אני לא רץ בבוקר. (Ani lo ratz ba-boker.)
Shira: "I do not run in the morning." Okay. Well, that’s it for this lesson.
Amir: Now that you’ve listened to this lesson, please visit HebrewPod101.com and leave us a comment!


Shira: See you next time!
Amir: Le-hit’ra’ot!

