
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript


Shira: Hello and welcome to hebrewpod101.com Absolute Beginner Season 1, Lesson 25, A Holiday for the Whole Family in Israel. I’m your host, Shira!
Amir: Shalom, I’m Amir.
Shira: In this lesson, you will learn how to talk about the future in Hebrew.
Amir: The conversation takes place at David and Sarah’s house.
Shira: It’s between David, Peter and Sarah.
Amir: And it’s informal.
Shira: Let’s listen to the conversation.

Lesson conversation

Peter: אני אסע למקסיקו בשנה הבאה.
(Ani esa le-mek'siko ba-shanah ha-ba'ah.)
Sarah: למה?
Peter: האחות הקטנה שלי מתחתנת שם.
(Ha-aħot haktana sheli mit’ħatenet.)
David: מזל טוב. זה נחמד. מתי תיסע?
(Mazal tov! Zeh neħ'mad. Mata'i ti'sa?)
Peter: ביוני.
Sarah: יפה! מריה נוסעת גם?
(Yafeh! Maria nos'at gam?)
Peter: כן! הבן שלי והכלב יבואו גם.
(Ken! Ha-ben sheli ve-ha-kelev sheli yavo'u gam.)
Sarah: הכלב שלך גם? וואו!
(Ha-kelev shel'kha gam? Wow!)
Peter: אחרי זה, נבוא לישראל.
(Aħare'i zeh, navo le-yis'ra'el.)
David: באמת? ואוו!
(Be-emet? Wow!)
Shira: Let’s listen to the conversation one more time slowly.
Peter: אני אסע למקסיקו בשנה הבאה.
(Ani esa le-mek'siko ba-shanah ha-ba'ah.)
Sarah: למה?
Peter: האחות הקטנה שלי מתחתנת שם.
(Ha-aħot haktana sheli mit’ħatenet.)
David: מזל טוב. זה נחמד. מתי תיסע?
(Mazal tov! Zeh neħ'mad. Mata'i ti'sa?)
Peter: ביוני.
Sarah: יפה! מריה נוסעת גם?
(Yafeh! Maria nos'at gam?)
Peter: כן! הבן שלי והכלב יבואו גם.
(Ken! Ha-ben sheli ve-ha-kelev sheli yavo'u gam.)
Sarah: הכלב שלך גם? וואו!
(Ha-kelev shel'kha gam? Wow!)
Peter: אחרי זה, נבוא לישראל.
(Aħare'i zeh, navo le-yis'ra'el.)
David: באמת? ואוו!
(Be-emet? Wow!)
Shira: Let’s listen to the conversation with the English translation.
Peter: אני אסע למקסיקו בשנה הבאה.
(Ani esa le-mek'siko ba-shanah ha-ba'ah.)
Shira: I'm going to Mexico in the next year.
Sarah: למה?
Shira: Why?
Peter: האחות הקטנה שלי מתחתנת שם.
(Ha-aħot haktana sheli mit’ħatenet.)
Shira: My sister is getting married there.
David: מזל טוב. זה נחמד. מתי תיסע?
(Mazal tov! Zeh neħ'mad. Mata'i ti'sa?)
Shira: Congratulations! That's nice. When are you going?
Peter: ביוני.
Shira: In June.
Sarah: יפה! מריה נוסעת גם?
(Yafeh! Maria nos'at gam?)
Shira: Neat! Is Maria going too?
Peter: כן! הבן שלי והכלב יבואו גם.
(Ken! Ha-ben sheli ve-ha-kelev sheli yavo'u gam.)
Shira: Yes! My son and the dog will come too.
Sarah: הכלב שלך גם? וואו!
(Ha-kelev shel'kha gam? Wow!)
Shira: Your dog too? Wow!
Peter: אחרי זה, נבוא לישראל.
(Aħare'i zeh, navo le-yis'ra'el.)
Shira: After that, we'll come to Israel.
David: באמת? ואוו!
(Be-emet? Wow!)
Shira: Really? Wow!
Shira: So, weddings in Israel are a huge event.
Amir: True, small, intimate weddings are very rare in Israel.
Shira: Weddings are usually held in a special wedding hall and everyone is invited.
Amir: I think that is something very different about Israeli weddings, we invite all our friends and colleagues and their families. But our parents also invite their friends and colleagues as well.
Shira: So, in the end, most people end up with a guest list of somewhere between 300 to 500 people.
Amir: It’s a lot of people and can be quite overwhelming.
Shira: The wedding begins with appetizers and the greeting of the bride and groom. There isn’t the tradition of the bride and groom being hidden from each other before the ceremony in Israel.
Amir: It’s called Kabalat Panim. This is your chance to talk to the bride and groom and their parents and congratulate them. It’s also the time when you can catch up with your friends who are attending the wedding.
Shira: You also drop off your present during this time.
Amir: At Israeli weddings, it’s traditional to give money to the couple. Most people will find out how much the couple paid for each guest’s meal and give at least that much.
Shira: After being to so many American weddings where the couple has a wedding registry, it’s kind of weird to give money. But in a way it’s easier and more practical for the couple.
Amir: After the kabalat panim, the ceremony begins under the huppah. The couple, the rabbi and the parents of the couple stand under the chuppah and the rabbi leads the ceremony.
Shira: After the chuppah, there is a full meal, music and dancing.
Amir: In secular weddings, all the guest dance together, but in religious weddings the men and the woman are separated during the dancing.
Shira: The music will be anything from traditional Jewish wedding music, to Israeli folk music, to rock, to club or even techno music. It’s very fun and Israelis love to dance, so this part of the wedding can go on and on.
Amir: Weddings often last until after midnight.
Shira: And then you have the drive home, which is always tiring after all that food and dancing. Let’s move on to the vocabulary for this lesson.
Amir: לנסוע/נסע (Lin’so’a/nasa) [natural native speed]
Shira: To travel.
Amir: לנסוע/נסע (Lin’so’a/nasa) [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Amir: לנסוע/נסע (Lin’so’a/nasa) [natural native speed]
Amir: מקסיקו (Mek’siko) [natural native speed]
Shira: Mexico.
Amir: מקסיקו (Mek’siko) [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Amir: מקסיקו (Mek’siko) [natural native speed]
Amir: הבא (haba) [natural native speed]
Shira: Next.
Amir: הבא (haba) [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Amir: הבא (haba) [natural native speed]
Amir: למה (lamah) [natural native speed]
Shira: Why.
Amir: למה (lamah) [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Amir: למה (lamah) [natural native speed]
Amir: אחות (akhot) [natural native speed]
Shira: Sister.
Amir: אחות (akhot) [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Amir: אחות (akhot) [natural native speed]
Amir: להתחתן/התחתן (Le-hit’ħaten/ hit’ħaten) [natural native speed]
Shira: To marry.
Amir: להתחתן/התחתן (Le-hit’ħaten/ hit’ħaten) [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Amir: להתחתן/התחתן (Le-hit’ħaten/ hit’ħaten) [natural native speed]
Amir: נחמד (nekh'mad) [natural native speed]
Shira: Nice.
Amir: נחמד (nekh'mad) [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Amir: נחמד (nekh'mad) [natural native speed]
Amir: אחרי (Aħare’i) [natural native speed]
Shira: After.
Amir: אחרי (Aħare’i) [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Amir: אחרי (Aħare’i) [natural native speed]
Shira: Let's look at the usage for some of the words and phrases from this lesson.
Amir: Let’s start with the word לנסוע (Lin’so’a), which means “to travel.”
Shira: This verb is a bit irregular because the נ' drops off in some of the conjugations.
Amir: You use this for all the ways that you travel, other than by foot. You can use when you travel in the car, bus or train.
Shira: Or even when you are “traveling” overseas.
Amir: You could say, אני אסע לאנגליה (ani e'sa l'ang'liya).
Shira: “I will travel to England.”
Amir: The next word is הבא (haba) meaning “next”.
Shira: These two words literally mean “the coming” and they come from the verb לבוא (lavo).
Amir: You use this is expressions like Peter did שנה הבאה (shanah haba-ah), “the coming year”
Shira: Or you can use it to talk about “the coming week” שבוע הבא (shavu’a ha-ba). Of course, in English we would translate this as “next week”.
Amir: Or you could say בשעות הבאות , which means “in the coming hours”.
Shira: It’s not restricted to time though. You could also say האוטובוס הבא (haotobus haba).
Amir: Right, this would mean “the next bus”.
Shira: After this we have להתחתן (Le-hit’ħaten).
Amir: This is the verb for “to marry”.
Shira: This verb is part of the reflexive verb group התפעל because it is something that involves two people. I really like the fact that the verbs that involve two people are set aside in the reflexive verb group.
Amir: The last word is נחמד (Neħ'mad), which means “nice”.
Shira: It can be used as both an adjective and an interjection.
Amir: I can say הוא בחורה נחמדה, meaning “she’s a nice girl.”
Shira: Or if Amir tells me about his plans to go on vacation to the Grand Canyon next year, I can respond with נחמד! Okay, let’s move on to the Grammar section.

Lesson focus

Shira: In this lesson you will learn how to talk about the future in Hebrew.
Amir: In the dialogue, Peter is talking about what he is going to be doing in the next year. The first thing that Peter says is, אני אסע למקסיקו בשנה הבאה. (Ani esa le-mek'siko ba-shanah ha-ba'ah.)
Shira: Peter uses the word אסע which means “I will travel”. The verb is לנסוע (Lin’so’a) and you can see here how the נ' has disappeared.
Amir: Right, we mentioned that this happens with this verb when we talked about it in the vocabulary section.
Shira: The future tense verb stem for לנסוע (Lin’so’a) is סע and all the prefixes and suffixes will be added to this.
Amir: Peter is talking about himself, so he uses the first person prefix, which is א' or “eh”.
Shira: In the future tense, this doesn’t change according to the gender of the speaker like it does in the present tense.
Amir: After this Sarah asks Peter, מתי תסע? (Mata'i ti'sa?)
Shira: She says, “when will you travel?” She also uses the future tense here. She uses the verb stem סע and adds the prefix תי- for “you masculine” because she is talking to Peter.
Amir: Here are some more example sentences of לנסוע (Lin’so’a) in the future tense. The first example is with you masculine – אתה תסע בעוד שבוע. (Atah tisa be-od shavu'a.)
Shira: You will travel in another week.
Amir: The second example is with you, feminine, תסעי לברזיל בנובמבר. (Tis'i le-brazil be-november.)
Shira: You will travel to Brazil in November.
Amir: Now we have an example with we, ניסע הביתה מחר. (Nisa ha-bay'tah maħar.)
Shira: We will travel home tomorrow.
Amir: The last example is for they, יסעו לשבועיים. (Yis'u li-sh'vu'ayim.)
Shira: They will travel for two weeks.
Amir: We also have the verb לבוא (lavo) in the future tense in our dialogue. Peter tells Sarah הבן שלי והכלב שלי יבואו גם. (Ha-ben sheli ve-ha-kelev sheli yavo'u gam.)
Shira: He said that his son and his dog will come also. Because he has two subjects, his son and his dog, he needs the conjugation for “they” or הם which is the prefix י' “ye” and the suffix ו' “u”.
Amir: He attaches these two to the verb stem בוא for לבוא (lavo) and it becomes יבואו.
Shira: Later, Peter says אחרי זה, נבוא לישראל. (Aħare'i zeh, navo le-yis'ra'el.)
Amir: After this, we will come to Israel.
Shira: He uses the word נבוא (navo), which is the future conjugation for “we”.
Amir: Here are some more examples of לבוא (lavo) in the future tense. אבוא הביתה שבוע הבא. (Avo ha-bay'tah shavu'a ha-ba.)
Shira: This was in the first person, for the pronoun אני. “I will come home next week.”
Amir: Next is an example for the pronoun “he” or הוא (Hu) in Hebrew. הוא יבוא לקניון איתך. (Hu yavo la-kaniyon itakh.)
Shira: He will come to the mall with you.
Amir: The last example is תבואו למסיבה, נכון? (Tavo'u la-mesibah, nakhon?)
Shira: You (plural) will come to the party, right?
Amir: For the future tense, just remember what prefixes and suffixes you need for the verbs and you’ll be okay.


Shira: Okay, that’s it for this lesson, and for this series. Thank you for joining us, and we’ll see you again next time!
Amir: After listening to this lesson, please visit HebrewPod101.com and tell us about your future in Hebrew.
Shira: See you!
Amir: Shalom!

