
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript


Shira: Hello and welcome to Hebrewpod101.com Absolute Beginner Season 1, Lesson 24, Finding New Words in Hebrew. I’m your host, Shira!
Amir: Shalom, I’m Amir.
Shira: In this lesson, you will learn how to ask about new words in Hebrew.
Amir: The conversation takes place at David and Sarah’s house.
Shira: It’s between David, Peter and Sarah.
Amir: The dialogue is informal.
Shira: Let’s listen to the conversation.

Lesson conversation

Peter: מממ... זה טעים. (משתעל) זה חריף!
(Mmm... zeh ta'im. (mish'ta'el) Zeh ħarif!)
Sarah: (צוחקת) זה סחוג.
((Tzoħeket) Zeh s'ħug.)
Peter: סחוג? מה זה סחוג באנגלית?
(S'ħug? Mah zeh s'ħug be-anglit?)
David: חכו רגע. (מצפצף) אה, סחוג נקרא סחוג באנגלית.
(ħaku rega. (metzaf'tzef) Ooh, s'ħug be-anglit nikra s'ħug.)
Sarah: כן, זה רוטב חריף.
(Ken, zeh rotev ħarif.)
Shira: Let’s listen to the conversation one more time slowly.
Peter: מממ... זה טעים. (משתעל) זה חריף!
(Mmm... zeh ta'im. (mish'ta'el) Zeh ħarif!)
Sarah: (צוחקת) זה סחוג.
((Tzoħeket) Zeh s'ħug.)
Peter: סחוג? מה זה סחוג באנגלית?
(S'ħug? Mah zeh s'ħug be-anglit?)
David: חכו רגע. (מצפצף) אה, סחוג נקרא סחוג באנגלית.
(ħaku rega. (metzaf'tzef) Ooh, s'ħug be-anglit nikra s'ħug.)
Sarah: כן, זה רוטב חריף.
(Ken, zeh rotev ħarif.)
Shira: Let’s listen to the conversation with the English translation.
Peter: מממ... זה טעים. (משתעל) זה חריף!
(Mmm... zeh ta'im. (mish'ta'el) Zeh ħarif!)
Shira: Mmm... this is tasty. (Coughs) That's spicy!
Sarah: (צוחקת) זה סחוג.
((Tzoħeket) Zeh s'ħug.)
Shira: (Laughs) It's Skhug.
Peter: סחוג? מה זה סחוג באנגלית?
(S'ħug? Mah zeh s'ħug be-anglit?)
Shira: Skhug? What is Skhug in English?
David: חכו רגע. (מצפצף) אה, סחוג נקרא סחוג באנגלית.
(ħaku rega. (metzaf'tzef) Ooh, s'ħug be-anglit nikra s'ħug.)
Shira: Wait a moment. (beeping) Oh, Skhug is called Skhug in English.
Sarah: כן, זה רוטב חריף.
(Ken, zeh rotev ħarif.)
Shira: Yes, it's a spicy sauce.
Amir: So, what cultural gem are we sharing with our listeners in this lesson?
Shira: We should really explain what Skhug is.
Amir: I’m not as big a fan of skhug as you are, but I do like it on my falafel or my schwarma.
Shira: Skhug is a special spice that made its way to Israel by way of the Yemenite Jews.
Amir: The main ingredients in skhug are garlic, coriander, hot peppers and olive oil.
Shira: Traditionally, all the ingredients are ground up on a special stone that is like a big mortar and pestle.
Amir: There are two main versions of skhug, a red skhug made out of red peppers and a green version made from green peppers.
Shira: My personal favorite is the green skhug. I love to eat it on bread with white spreadable cheese. There is also a brown version with tomatoes that is a bit milder.
Amir: When you go out for falafel or schwarma the shop keeper may ask you if you want skhug on it by asking if you want “ħarif” or simply “spicy”.
Shira: It’s a very popular condiment on falafel and shwarma, although usually they have the red skhug. When I find a good shwarma stand with green skhug I am a loyal customer. Now let’s go to the vocabulary for this lesson.
Amir: חריף (ħarif) [natural native speed]
Shira: Spicy.
Amir: חריף (ħarif) [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Amir: חריף (ħarif) [natural native speed]
Amir: סחוג (S’ħug) [natural native speed]
Shira: Skhug.
Amir: סחוג (S’ħug) [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Amir: סחוג (S’ħug) [natural native speed]
Amir: אנגלית (anglit) [natural native speed]
Shira: English.
Amir: אנגלית (anglit) [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Amir: אנגלית (anglit) [natural native speed]
Amir: לחכות (Le-ħakot) [natural native speed]
Shira: To wait.
Amir: לחכות (Le-ħakot) [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Amir: לחכות (Le-ħakot) [natural native speed]
Amir: רגע (rega) [natural native speed]
Shira: Moment.
Amir: רגע (rega) [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Amir: רגע (rega) [natural native speed]
Amir: להיקרא/נקרא (le-hikare/nikra) [natural native speed]
Shira: To be called.
Amir: להיקרא/נקרא (le-hikare/nikra) [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Amir: להיקרא/נקרא (le-hikare/nikra) [natural native speed]
Amir: רוטב (rotev) [natural native speed]
Shira: Sauce.
Amir: רוטב (rotev) [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Amir: רוטב (rotev) [natural native speed]
Shira: Let's have a closer look at the usuage for some of the words and phrases from this lesson.
Amir: The first word is חריף (ħarif).
Shira: חריף (ħarif) means “spicy”. Many falafel stands will use this word to refer to סחוג.
Amir: It can also be used to refer to someone with a “spicy” personality or a “spicy” conversation.
Shira: A spicy woman would be אישה חריפה (isha charifa). This usually means that she is quite harsh.
Amir: Not the kind of woman that you want to be around very often.
Shira: The same goes for a שיחה חריפה (siħa charifa).
Amir: It would be referring to a conversation that is really intense, maybe even with a lot of yelling and disagreeing.
Shira: If you used the word spicy in English the meaning would be more in the direction of seductive or sexy, but not in Hebrew. It’s more like “harsh” in Hebrew. The next word is לחכות (Le-ħakot).
Amir: לחכות (Le-ħakot) means “to wait”.
Shira: When you are waiting for someone or something, you use the preposition ל- before whatever you are waiting for.
Amir: אני מחכה לשירה (ani mechake Shira), "I am waiting for Shira."
Shira: Usually, it’s the other way around אני מחכה לאמיר. (ani mechake Amir.)
Amir: True! The next word we want to discuss is רגע (rega).
Shira: רגע (rega) means “moment”.
Amir: We have a funny expression in Hebrew, when we want someone to wait for us we say, רגע,רגע. (rega, rega.) There are a few funny expressions like that in Hebrew where we double the word.
Shira: It’s like saying "wait, wait." You’ll hear it often.
Amir: The last word we want to talk about is להיקרא (le-hikare) or “to be called.”
Shira: This verb is part of the נפעל verb group, so most of the conjugations have a נ' in front of them. Okay, let’s move on to the Grammar section.

Lesson focus

Shira: In this lesson, you will learn how ask about new words in Hebrew.
Amir: That is, asking about new-to-you Hebrew words in Hebrew.
Shira: Exactly. Our example sentence from the dialogue is מה זה סחוג באנגלית? (Mah zeh s'ħug be-anglit?)
Amir: Once you are hearing Hebrew a lot and speaking Hebrew a lot, you will be picking up more and more words every day.
Shira: Right, you will hear new words all the time and want to ask what they are.
Amir: So, this is the phrase that you will use to find out.
Shira: This phrase starts out with מה (mah), meaning “what” and then זה (zeh), which is “it”, so together it is “what is”. After this, you would add the word that you want to know and finally באנגלית (be-anglit), "in English."
Amir: So, let’s give you some examples of this now. The first example is מה זה ספר באנגלית? (Mah zeh sefer be-anglit?)
Shira: What is “book” in English?
Amir: The next example is מה זה מחשב באנגלית? (Mah zeh maħ'shev be-anglit?)
Shira: What is “computer” in English?
Amir: The last example is מה זה דלת באנגלית? (Mah zeh delet be-anglit?)
Shira: What is “door” in English?
Amir: In the dialogue, David answered Peter’s questions by saying סחוג באנגלית נקרא סחוג (s'ħug be-anglit nikra s'ħug.).
Shira: He wasn’t very helpful, was he? He answered that skhug in English is called skhug.
Amir: Yes, in that case it wasn’t very helpful because there is no translation, but normally there would be a translation for the word.
Shira: Right, so the answer to this question is broken down like this. You begin with the word was asked about. Then you use the verb נקרא (nikra) which means “is called” and then you end it with the word in English. Then you end the sentence with .באנגלית (be-anglit).
Amir: So, let’s hear the answers to our example sentences, ספר נקרא בוק באנגלית. (Sefer nikra book be-anglit.)
Shira: Sefer is called “book” in English.
Amir: מחשב נקרא קומפיוטר באנגלית. (Maħ'shev nikra computer be-anglit.)
Shira: Maħ’shev is called “computer” in English
Amir: דלת נקראת דור באנגלית. (Delet nikret dor be-anglit.)
Shira: Delet is called “door” in English. You might have noticed that the verb is a little different in this last example sentence.
Amir: That’s because the word for door in Hebrew, דלת (Delet) is a feminine word, so the verb must agree in gender with it.


Shira: Okay, that’s it for this lesson.
Amir: After listening to this lesson, please visit HebrewPod101.com and ask us about some new words in Hebrew! Listeners, ever have any Hebrew language or lesson-related questions?
Shira: Or maybe you have some feedback for us.
Amir: Leave us a comment or ask a question on the lessons page.
Shira: It's super simple. Go to HebrewPod101.com.
Amir: Click on comments.
Shira: Enter your comment and name.
Amir: And that's it.
Shira: Commenting is a great way to practice writing and reading in Hebrew.
Amir: It helps you learn faster.
Shira: And it helps us get better through your feedback.
Amir: No excuses.
Shira: Go to HebrewPod101.com and comment now.
Amir: Now!
Shira: See you next time!
Amir: Shalom!

