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Lesson Transcript


Shira: Hello and welcome to Hebrewpod101.com Absolute Beginner Season 1, Lesson 23, You’re Going Places in Israel. I’m your host, Shira!
Amir: Shalom, I’m Amir.
Shira: In this lesson, you will learn how to talk about going places in Hebrew.
Amir: The conversation takes place in town.
Shira: It’s between David, Peter and Sarah.
Amir: And it’s informal.
Shira: Let’s listen to the conversation.

Lesson conversation

Peter: דוויד, מה זה?
(David, mah zeh?)
David: זה פאב. אתה אוהב ללכת לפאבים?
(Zeh pub. Atah ohev lalekhet le-pabim?)
Peter: אכן, כן.
(Akhen, ken.)
David: אז, נלך לפאב היום בערב?
(Az, nelekh le-pab ha-yom ba-erev?)
Peter: זה נשמע טוב.
(Zeh nish'ma tov.)
David: שרה, היום בערב אני ופטר הולכים לפאב. תבואי איתנו?
(Sarah, ha-yom be-erev ani u-Peter hol'khim le-pab. Tavo'i itanu?)
Sarah: לכו ותהינו.
(L'khu ve-te'hanu.)
Shira: Let’s listen to the conversation one more time slowly.
Peter: דוויד, מה זה?
(David, mah zeh?)
David: זה פאב. אתה אוהב ללכת לפאבים?
(Zeh pub. Atah ohev lalekhet le-pabim?)
Peter: אכן, כן.
(Akhen, ken.)
David: אז, נלך לפאב היום בערב?
(Az, nelekh le-pab ha-yom ba-erev?)
Peter: זה נשמע טוב.
(Zeh nish'ma tov.)
David: שרה, היום בערב אני ופטר הולכים לפאב. תבואי איתנו?
(Sarah, ha-yom be-erev ani u-Peter hol'khim le-pab. Tavo'i itanu?)
Sarah: לכו ותהינו.
(L'khu ve-te'hanu.)
Shira: Let’s listen to the conversation with the English translation.
Peter: דוויד, מה זה?
(David, mah zeh?)
Shira: David, what is this?
David: זה פאב. אתה אוהב ללכת לפאבים?
(Zeh pub. Atah ohev lalekhet le-pabim?)
Shira: That's a bar. Do you like going to bars?
Peter: אכן, כן.
(Akhen, ken.)
Shira: Indeed, I do.
David: אז, נלך לפאב היום בערב?
(Az, nelekh le-pab ha-yom ba-erev?)
Shira: So, shall we go to a bar tonight?
Peter: זה נשמע טוב.
(Zeh nish'ma tov.)
Shira: That sounds good.
David: שרה, היום בערב אני ופטר הולכים לפאב. תבואי איתנו?
(Sarah, ha-yom be-erev ani u-Peter hol'khim le-pab. Tavo'i itanu?)
Shira: Sarah, tonight Peter and I are going to a bar. Will you come with us?
Sarah: לכו ותהינו.
(L'khu ve-te'hanu.)
Shira: Go and have fun.
Amir: So, what is our cultural insight in this lesson?
Shira: Let’s talk about pubs in Israel. They are a bit different than bars or pubs in other countries because Israelis usually don’t go out with the objective to drown themselves in alcohol.
Amir: No, we really like the social aspect of bars. We see it as a place to hang out with friends, drink something, eat something and socialize.
Shira: If you want to experience a bar or pub in its glory go on a Thursday night, that’s when the bars in Israel are the most busy.
Amir: Thursday is the last day of the work week for most Israelis, so we like to go out and relax on Thursday nights.
Shira: You should also go out only at around 10 PM, because that’s when most Israelis go out. If you go any earlier than that you may find yourself in a near empty bar.
Amir: Friday nights are also busy, but it’s usually a younger crowd since most people spend Friday nights with their families.
Shira: There are many different types of bars and pubs, so look for one that fits your personality. There are some that are all about the atmosphere, others where people go to dance and cut loose, and others where people like to go as couples.
Amir: The food is pretty good in the bars in Israel as well because Israelis like to eat at the bar just as much as they like to drink there.
Shira: Sounds good! Now let’s go to the vocabulary for this lesson.
Amir: פאב (pub) [natural native speed]
Shira: Pub or bar.
Amir: פאב (pub) [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Amir: פאב (pub) [natural native speed]
Amir: ללכת/הלך (La-lekhet/ halakh) [natural native speed]
Shira: To go, walk.
Amir: ללכת/הלך (La-lekhet/ halakh) [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Amir: ללכת/הלך (La-lekhet/ halakh) [natural native speed]
Amir: היום (Ha-yom) [natural native speed]
Shira: Today.
Amir: היום (Ha-yom) [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Amir: היום (Ha-yom) [natural native speed]
Amir: להישמע/נשמע (le-hishama/ nish’ma) [natural native speed]
Shira: To sound.
Amir: להישמע/נשמע (le-hishama/ nish’ma) [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Amir: להישמע/נשמע (le-hishama/ nish’ma) [natural native speed]
Amir: לבוא/בא (la-vo/ba) [natural native speed]
Shira: To come.
Amir: לבוא/בא (la-vo/ba) [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Amir: לבוא/בא (la-vo/ba) [natural native speed]
Amir: איתנו (itanu) [natural native speed]
Shira: With us.
Amir: איתנו (itanu) [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Amir: איתנו (itanu) [natural native speed]
Amir: להיהנות/נהנה (le-hanot/ nehenah) [natural native speed]
Shira: To enjoy.
Amir: להיהנות/נהנה (le-hanot/ nehenah) [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Amir: להיהנות/נהנה (le-hanot/ nehenah) [natural native speed]
Shira: Let's take a closer look at the vocabulary from this lesson.
Amir: The first word is פאב (pub) which refers to both a bar and a pub. This term probably became popular in Israel because of the British influence during the British mandate.
Shira: Some people also call a pub a בר (bar) in Hebrew. It seems that what you call it depends on what your family and friends call it.
Amir: We use both terms in Israel.
Shira: The next word is להישמע (Le-hishama), meaning “to sound”.
Amir: This verb is a part of the verb group נפעל.
Shira: You will recognize these verbs by נ' that precede the root in many of the verb conjugations.
Amir: We use this in the expression, זה נשמע טוב (Zeh nish'ma tov.), just like in the dialogue when we want to say that something sounds good.
Shira: Much like we do in English, we shorten it to “sounds good”.
Amir: We also use it in the greeting מה נשמע (ma nishma?)
Shira: This basically means “what’s going on?” I guess if you wanted to translate it directly, it would be “what sounds?”
Amir: The last word is איתנו (itanu).
Shira: This word means “with us”. The suffix of this word changes according to the pronoun.
Amir: With this word, we use suffixes that you see often in Hebrew. For instance, if you wanted to say “with me” you would say איתי (iti).
Shira: Or if I wanted to say “with you”, I would say, איתך (it’kha) and so on. Okay, let’s move on to the Grammar section.

Lesson focus

Shira: In this lesson you will learn how to talk about going places in Hebrew.
Amir: We usually use the verb ללכת (la-lekhet) for this.
Shira: ללכת (la-lekhet) means “to go” or sometimes “to walk”.
Amir: The first time we see this verb in the dialogue, we see it in the infinitive form. David asks Peter אתה אוהב ללכת לפאבים? (Atah ohev la-lekhet le-pabim?)
Shira: He asked this – “do you like to go to pubs?”
Amir: After the verb ללכת (la-lekhet), we use the preposition ל- or “to”.
Shira: Let’s show some examples of ללכת (la-lekhet) in the infinitive form. How about “I want to go to the mall”.
Amir: אני רוצה ללכת לקניון. (Ani rotzeh la-lechet la-kaniyon.)
Shira: How about someone telling their wife that she needs to go shopping?
Amir: Ha, ha! I don’t think that happens very often. את צריכה ללכת לקניות. (At tz'richah la-lechet li-k'niyot.)
Shira: “They love to go to the sea!”
Amir: הם אוהבים ללכת לים. (Hem ohavim la-lechet la-yam.)
Shira: And the last example is “you (feminine plural) have to go to the supermarket.”
Amir: אתן חייבות ללכת לסופר. (Aten ħayavot la-lechet la-super.)
Shira: All of these sentences talk about going to a destination, so they use a ל- after the verb for the word “to”.
Amir: We also have an example of ללכת (la-lekhet) in the present tense in the dialogue when David tells Sarah היום בערב אני ופטר הולכים לפאב. (Ha-yom ba-erev ani u-Peter hol'chim le-pab.)
Shira: Right, he tells her “Today in the evening Peter and I are going to a pub.” This is the masculine plural form for ללכת (la-lekhet). ללכת (la-lekhet) is also in the פעל verb group, so it’s conjugated the same as the other verbs we have learned, like לאכול and לאהוב.
Amir: The big difference is that there is a ה' in the root of ללכת (la-lekhet) and it doesn’t appear in the infinitive.
Shira: We have already seen that this letter disappears a lot and here is another example.
Amir: So, the root of ללכת (la-lekhet) is ה-ל-כ.
Shira: Heh - lamad - khaf. So, first you need to make the verb stem, which means putting a ו' between the first and the second letters. So the verb stem for ללכת (la-lekhet) is הולך (Holech) and this is also the form for masculine singular.
Amir: The other forms are הולכת, הולכים (Hol'chim, Holechet), and הולכות (Hol'chot).
Shira: There is one more place where this verb ללכת (la-lekhet) appears in the dialogue and that’s when Sarah tells the men to “go and have fun”.
Amir: She uses the command form of the verb and says לכו (L'chu).
Shira: When you have the command forms in Hebrew, there are only three – masculine, feminine and plural.
Amir: The masculine is לך (Lech) and the feminine is לכי (L'chi).
Shira: And as we heard in the dialogue, לכו (L'chu) is used for the plural. And as you can see from all of the command forms, the ה' drops off from these forms.
Amir: So, now you should be able to tell people where you are going and where you want to go.


Shira: Okay, that’s it for this lesson.
Amir: After listening to this lesson, please visit HebrewPod101.com and hello to us in Hebrew! Listeners, do you know the powerful secret behind rapid progress?
Shira: Using the entire system.
Amir: Lesson notes are an important part of this system.
Shira: They included transcript and translation of the conversation.
Amir: Key lesson vocabulary.
Shira: And detailed grammar explanations.
Amir: Lesson notes accompany every video or audio lesson.
Shira: Use them on the site or mobile device or print them out.
Amir: Using the lesson notes with audio and video media will rapidly increase your learning speed.
Shira: Go to HebrewPod101.com and download the lesson notes for this lesson right now. See you next time!
Amir: Shalom!

