Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Shalom, ani Yana! Welcome to Hebrewpod101.com’s Alef-Beit be-kalei kalut.
The fastest, easiest, and most fun way to learn the Hebrew alphabet: the alef-beit!
In the last lesson we learned the letter ע-'Ayin' and the niqqud 'Tsere'.
In this lesson we will continue to the next Hebrew letter 'Pei', with the sound of 'P'.
Let’s write it down;
פ (handwriting)
and in print-
פ (print)
It is curved from inside to the outside.
Pay attention to the dot- it makes the sound 'P'. Without the dot it sounds like 'F'. Even though it’s a different sound, we don’t count "Fei" as a separate letter of the alef-beit, just like "Beit-Veit", and "Kaf-Haf".
'Pil' -is an elephant.
פִּיל (handwriting)
and in print
פִּיל (print)
and 'Afuna' is a bean.
אָפוּנָה (handwriting)
and in print
אָפוּנָה (print)
Now lets see how the niqqud changes the pronunciation and meaning of the same word;
Looks the same, so why are they read differently? Let’s look at the same words with niqqud.
סֶפֶר- -'Sefer' - is a book.
סִפֶּר- - 'Siper'- is "he told".
סַפָּר- - 'Sapar'- is a barber.
The only way to guess the right reading is by understanding the context, so practice your Hebrew reading daily!
פ-has also final word writing-
it is called 'Pei Sofit' and looks like this;
ף (handwriting)
You start it like 'Lamed' and end with a curve facing down.
and in print-
ף (print)
Please keep the stroke longer than the frame.
'Sof' is an end.
סוֹף (handwriting)
and in print-
סוֹף (print)
'ze ha-sof le-hayom'-
זה הסוף להיום (handwriting)
It’s the end for today.
Can you write it in print? While doing it pronounce each letter and the vowels.
Now it's time for Yana's insights.
Have you been practicing the alef- beit with flash cards?
What about the niqqud?
Take the flash cards with you everywhere, and when you got a minute waiting for the bus or in line, take a look and pronounce each letter out loud.
It might sound weird to the people around you, but that's the best practice!
In the next lesson, we will go through the eighteenth letter -צ-'Tsadik'.
Do you know that also 'tsadik' has a meaning by itself?
I will see you in the next lesson!

